Page 73 of Mr One-Night Stand

‘And the sooner you leave, the sooner I can finish and get off home.’

‘Have you at least eaten?’

She blushed. She knew she didn’t look after herself, and him pointing out the obvious made her feel doubly foolish. ‘I’ll get something shortly. What about you? You look like you’re off out.’

His eyes wavered. ‘I’m meeting up with an old friend.’

‘Old friend’ sounded like code for old flame.

She itched to ask, and hated herself for it, turning away instead. ‘Well, don’t let me keep you.’

He reached out for her arm, the warmth of his fingers permeating the thin fabric of her dress and she caught her breath, her eyes flicking questioningly to his.

‘Promise me, you’ll leave soon.’

She’d had the ridiculous notion he was going to pull her into him, kiss her, anything but his concerned plea. Disappointment clogged up her throat, clipping at her words, ‘I’ll leave when I’m ready.’

She pulled away and headed to the desk. The lack of movement behind her telling of his hesitation and she lifted a document, any document, throwing her focus into it.

‘Fair enough,’ he said eventually, his voice disturbingly raw. ‘I guess I’ll see you in the morning.’

‘Uh-huh,’ she murmured, her eyes fixed on the page of swimming grey, her ears attuned to his every sound.

She listened to him walk away, not daring to turn, not wanting to watch him go, scared that the tears she didn’t want to shed would start to fall.

* * *

What the hell was he doing?

Opposite him, his ex Zara was

discussing food with the waiter, her pregnancy making her extra-cautious with her choices, and he was using the time to berate his idiotic move.

He should never have gone into the office—never asked that Colin drive by the building on the way to the restaurant. He just hadn’t been able to leave well alone.

And yet he’d done everything she’d asked of him, fought every urge to see her to ensure he stood by his promise. His conscience should be clear. Even if it hurt...even if it felt wrong.

But tonight he’d had the urge to check that she’d gone home. She was losing weight, the worry lines and dark shadows on her face ever-present, and it was pulling him apart inside. When he’d seen her light on he’d been determined to get her to leave.

Only the main office had been deserted, just the two of them in the entire space, and his restraint had hung dangerously in the balance. And instead of doing what he’d intended he’d annoyed the hell out of her. Idiot.

‘Sir, what can I get you?’

The waiter looked at him and he stared unseeingly at the menu, ordering his usual dish and passing the menu back. The idea of eating when Jennifer so clearly wouldn’t plagued him. He should send Colin with something. At least then he would know she’d eaten.

Zara smiled at him, her cheeks glowing. Pregnancy clearly suited her. ‘So, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?’

Hell, he didn’t know. He could hardly say he’d needed to get out but he didn’t do lads’ drinks and he couldn’t do dates. Not any more.

‘I had some time on my hands.’

She laughed, her blonde hair bobbing, blue eyes twinkling. ‘You with time on your hands? Impossible.’

He smiled. She was right there.

‘You look well.’

‘Is that you changing the subject?’