Page 16 of Mr One-Night Stand

‘Thank you,’ she said again, softly, her eyes dancing as she leant in and pressed a brief kiss to his lips.

His mind exploded with the image of her naked and sprawled across his bed. He was supposed to be righting his own clothing, and yet the desire to pin her back in his car burned through him.

Christ, none of this boded well for the future.

He zipped up his trousers in self-disdain. He didn’t do sexual distraction. Not on this level. And definitely not at work. But that was exactly what the future held.

He was going to have to function alongside her for however long it took until he was sure the business was working towards the strategy he wanted. Until she was working towards the vision he depicted. It might be a fifty-fifty business partnership, but experience dictated that things went a whole lot more smoothly the quicker people came around to his line of thinking.

Would she be any different?

Fuck knew.

Especially now that he had screwed her. Had let his dick get in the way of all good sense. All good business sense.

Ah, hell, get over it!

They’d had sex—simple as. He hadn’t known who she was at the outset. He’d tried to stop it. She’d pushed.

She’d wanted nothing serious. And he had delivered.

It would be fine.

His gut twisted. It wasn’t fine. He’d let his libido get in the way of business. Hell, he was still doing it. He never let that happen. The moment he’d known he should have shut it down. Hell, he should be shutting it down now. And yet...

Alongside him she wriggled in, and instinctively he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her up close. What the hell was he doing?

She gave a tired sigh. ‘This feels nice.’

Nice? Jesus, his lips actually twitched with a smile. She thought this was nice?

He shifted back in his seat, testing his head against the curve of plush leather and finding it surprisingly inviting. Okay, so he could see the appeal...

Had he really never done this before? Lain back in his chauffeur-driven car and relaxed. He scanned the roof of the vehicle, the soft fabric and the lights designed to soothe, and realised thet answer was a definite no.

He shouldn’t really be doing it now either. Not when he could be catching up on emails, phone calls, the latest press releases in the technology field, or pondering the potential shit storm about to hit between himself and his new business partner...

She gave a small sound, the comforting noise at odds with his inner wrangling, and he quit, pushing everything away but the feel of her body curling into his own.

He would deal with it all when the time came, but for now...

* * *

‘Sir, sir... Mr Wright!’

The noise was incessant, as was the shaking pressure on his shoulder. What the fuck?

His head shot up, his eyes flying open in disbelief. He’d fallen asleep!

He pushed through the brain fog, registering the heavy warmth of his companion on one side and the chill attacking the other through the open car door. He looked to the hand on his shoulder and then to its owner, leaning in from outside—Colin.

The driver met his gaze and promptly straightened, his hand falling away. ‘Sorry, sir.’ He cleared his throat. ‘When you didn’t respond on the intercom I gave you an extra twenty minutes. When I tapped on the glass and you still didn’t respond...’ He gave an awkward shrug.

‘It’s okay, Colin.’ Marcus spoke softly. He wasn’t ready to disturb her. She was so peaceful, curled up almost childlike against him, her breathing deep and even. She was out of it.

How tired can she be?

A foreign emotion curled around his gut, the force of which had his eyes snapping away. He was being a fool—they couldn’t very well stay there.