Page 84 of Getting Dirty

‘Who would’ve given me away, then?’

‘I could’ve done it just as well in trousers.’

‘And you wouldn’t have been half as dashing.’ I waggle my eyebrows at him. ‘Haven’t you seen the ladies eyeing you up?’

‘You are joking.’

‘Not at all, and you’re quite the eligible bachelor now. You should make the most of it.’

Now he grins, his eyes seeking out one redhead in particular, currently slow-dancing with Jackson in the recently refurbed ballroom of the Livingston Castle.

‘Oh, no, you don’t. Cait’s off-limits.’

He flashes me a cheeky look. ‘Surely as your maid of honour she should be top of my list.’

‘You’re not the best man.’

‘Best man, brother...’ he shrugged ‘...same difference.’


‘Oh, dear, that’s her warning tone...’

I turn at the sound of Ash’s voice and feel the warmth of his hand through the white lace at the base of my spine.

‘What have you done now?’ he asks Philip.

‘He’s setting his sights on Cait.’

Ash gives a hearty laugh, his eyes dancing. ‘I think that’s a great idea.’

I frown up at him.

‘See?’ Philip blurts. ‘Even your husband agrees.’

‘Really, Ash?’ I’d stamp on his foot if I could find my feet beneath my dress. Instead I fire him a glare. ‘Not helpful.’

He shrugs. ‘What’s the worst that could happen? Although, he might have Jackson to get through first...’

‘The question is,’ Philip says, as he considers the couple on the dance floor, ‘does she want a bit of rough—no offence to your mate—or does she want Prince Charming?’

‘Prince Charming?’ Ash mimics, choking on his giggles now, and I elbow him in the ribs.

‘Right, Livingston.’ Philip straightens and offers out his hand. ‘Fifty I get the girl.’

I stare between them in disbelief. ‘Don’t you—’

‘You’re on,’ Ash interjects, shaking his hand, his grin rivalling Philip’s own.

‘No time like the present to get started.’

My brother extracts his hand, rearranges his cravat and makes for the dance floor.

‘Philip Lauren...’ I wait for him to look back at me. ‘You dare mess her around and it’ll be me you answer to.’

He chuckles. ‘Keep your knickers on—I wouldn’t dare.’

I watch him walk off and I can’t be angry. I’m too happy.