Page 48 of Rough & Ready

I went to his bedroom and peeked inside.

The room was gorgeous, a true inner sanctum. It was full to bursting with plants of all varieties, on the floor, on surfaces, hung from the ceiling. He’d collected little antique oddities and placed them at random across the room, a new surprise lying in every corner. His bed was a bright yellow comforter with white pillows and a specially carved wood headboard. In any other room, it would’ve been too much, too much of simply everything. But in his, it all worked seamlessly.

It should’ve felt weird, climbing into a relative stranger’s bed and nestling down. Somehow, though, Carter’s mattress suited my back, his pillows were all the perfect height — I felt like Goldilocks, having stumbled upon everything that was ‘just right.’ Was this a sign about Carter and me, that we were just right together? No, Phoebe, I corrected, immediately catching myself. You’re seeing what you want to see.

Well, that couldn’t be entirely true now, could it? Because if I was only seeing what I wanted to, I wouldn’t be so heavily sensing eyes watching my every move. That was certainly not a thing I wished to experience in any capacity.

I curled up in Carter’s bed, hoping that his smell would calm my racing heart. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Coffee, sweat, wood — his scent. It was heady, but not a compelling argument. I still felt as though I were being tracked, hunted.

God, why did I have to be such a drama queen? That was totally Jo-Beth’s job, and she was better at it.

The shower was right next door to his room and I could hear the water hitting tile, running over it and down the drain.

Wait. If I could hear that from my vantage in his bed… what had Carter heard yesterday?! Oh man, that did not bear thinking about. I mean, we’d already slept together, it’s not like I had anything to hide anymore, but still, it was mortifying. Those noises had been, uh, extravagant.

The pipes hissed shut. Carter must have turned off the shower head. I studied my position in bed and considered rearranging myself to make a more artful picture, but just as the thought crossed my mind, Carter opened the door.

There hadn’t been any time for me to do a sexy pose, but I so did not care, because Carter was standing in the doorframe, still wet, a towel slung low around his waist, nestled beneath his abs. The tops of his ‘V’ were just peeking out — you know, that part of a chiseled guy’s body that points like a flashing arrow down to his cock. My mouth moistened.

“Bed suitin’ ya?” he asked, stepping into the room casually, as though he wasn’t aware that he had the most perfect muscles in the world.

“It’s great, yeah, thank you.”


He moved to the corner, opened a drawer of his mid-century teak dresser, and pulled out what I determined to be a pair of boxer briefs. In one quick move, he tugged them on beneath his towel, then whipped the towel off, wiped off the last drops of water that clung to his chest, and then hung the used linen on a nearby hook.

Damn it. I knew we were just supposed to be getting a little shut eye, but that didn’t mean I should be deprived of the view!

“Do you mind if I sleep next to you?” he asked. “If you do mind, I can go conk out in that chair.”

Carter pointed to a fragile wooden chair in the corner, the folding kind that you’d set up for an outdoor BBQ.

My mouth gaped. “You think I would make you, my host, sleep in that? Come on, Carter, I’m not an asshole.” I paused, then added, “And besides… I want you next to me.”

He grinned and, not requiring any further hints, flicked out the lights and sauntered over to the side of the bed.

“Scoot over,” he said in the dark.

I obliged readily and in moments, was rewarded by the sensation of his warm body pressed against mine, curling around me and forming us into a pair of curved spoons, warped around one another.

“Is this good?” he whispered.

I nodded, and he nuzzled my shoulder with his nose.

In fact, it was too good. Because though I was supposed to be trying to sleep — and his presence was certainly easing my anxiety — now all I could focus on was the feeling of his cock pressed against my back. It wasn’t hard, but even knowing that it was there… well, that was tantalizing enough.

Should I? Could I?

Aw, screw it. I’d regret not doing it in a week’s time.

With a sly, self-satisfied grin, I began to grind my ass against him, arching my back so that my ass lined up with Carter’s groin.