NEVER BEFORE HAD Jack suffered such noise. His eardrums were ringing with it. Laughter, shouting, music playing—it was about all he could do to still smile.

‘You know next time Lily asks for a birthday party at home,’ he grumbled in Sophia’s ear, ‘I’m going to suggest Iceland all over again...maybe even the North Pole. I bet it’s super-quiet this time of year with Santa on holiday.’

‘You said that last year.’

‘Yes, well, I clearly forgot what a terrible idea this was. At least Noah only had a handful of friends at his...’ He looked over the many, many heads in the room. ‘I’m sure she’s invited every child she’s ever met, plus her entire class at school.’

Sophia merely smiled. ‘She’s making up for lost time, and don’t forget, you did agree to her having thirty.’

‘Thirty! I’m sure I didn’t.’

She looked up at him. ‘You were a little distracted at the time.’

Eddie chose that moment to gurgle in his mother’s arms and Sophia gently bobbed him up and down.

‘Now I remember, Lily asked me the day we came home with this little bundle.’

‘Yes, she’s not daft, that one.’

‘No, but her dad clearly is.’

Sophia laughed as the doorbell sounded. ‘Oh, that’ll be Isla and the family. You go and get it and I’ll pass Eddie to Mum.’

‘Oh, no, you won’t,’ Samantha said, coming up beside them. ‘Your mum has filled her cuddle quota; it’s my turn.’

‘Are you getting broody again?’ Sophia grinned at her friend as she eased Eddie into her arms.

‘Good heavens, no. I like to cuddle and go. It’s always best when you can hand them back.’

‘Amen to that,’ Jack said, wincing as a high-pitched squeal bounced off the walls of their Georgian dining room.


‘I’m just kidding, love.’

‘Get the door before they scarper at the racket. It’s time to get some games going before things get out of hand.’

‘Out of hand?’ he said, his brows raised as his eyes swept over the room. ‘I think it’s a bit late for that.’

She elbowed him. ‘Quit the ribbing and get the door. Musical chairs will have them contained and entertained in one.’

‘Musical what?’

‘You’ll see.’

‘You do know how much those chairs cost, don’t you?’

‘Almost as much as it cost to have the room renovated, yes. Just relax, Jack, live a little.’

‘I’ll relax when we have our house to ourselves again.’

But in truth he wore the silliest of grins, because life couldn’t be better. He had a happy daughter, a healthy son, a wife he adored and an extended family he’d never thought possible.

He made for the door and halted, swinging back to pull his wife into his arms. ‘I love you, Mrs McGregor.’

Her eyes shone up at him. ‘And I love you too...even when you’re a grump.’
