‘Now, go and get Isla before they run—or, worse, freeze on our doorstep.’

He did as she bade, answering the door to Elena’s mum, husband and three children. There would always be a part of him that bore regrets. The biggest one of all that Elena never got to be reunited with Isla, not properly.

But in his heart he knew she’d be happy for what their daughter now had. The one thing they’d grown up wanting and always thought unreachable.

A real family, full of love, and a place to call home.

* * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from Wedding Date with the Billionaire by Andrea Bolter.


Be swept away by glamorous and heartfelt love stories.

Emotion and intimacy simmer in international locales—experience the rush of falling in love!


Wedding Date with the Billionaire

by Andrea Bolter


“LADIES.” KENTO YAMAMOTO stood on the boat dock and bowed his head to one then the other of the overly perfumed females who had just flanked him, a blonde on one side and a brunette on the other.

“How are you, Kento?” the blonde asked in a high-pitched tone.

“We’ve missed you,” cooed the brunette.

He’d met the two years ago but, for the life of him, couldn’t remember their names. It was hard to fathom that they’d missed him when he barely knew who they were.

“Isn’t it exciting, Christy and Lucas’s wedding?” The brunette stated the obvious. “And you’re going to be the best man!”

“You came all the way from Tokyo to stand up for Lucas,” the blonde chimed in, as if he was unaware of where he lived. “You’re such a good friend!”

“Yeah, he’s lucky to have a good friend like you.”



Kento responded with a tight-lipped smile, already done with this superficial chitchat. He’d been about to board the small private yacht he’d chartered for the ride across Seattle’s Puget Sound to Willminson Island for the wedding weekend of his oldest friend. Then the two bubbly girls, friends of the bride’s, if he recalled correctly, recognized him and came clamoring toward him, clomping down the wooden dock on their high heels even in Seattle’s misty weather.

“We were just about to take the state ferry.” The brunette pointed to the next dock over, where the enormous vessel that transported tourists and residents the quick half hour to the island was loading. “And then MacKenzie spotted you, so we came running over to say hi.”

Aha. The blonde’s name was MacKenzie. One down.

“Amber said we just had to!”

“Had to.” MacKenzie giggled.

Blonde, MacKenzie. Brunette was Amber. Noted. Kento didn’t wonder why they just had to rush over to say hi. It wasn’t because they were actually old friends gathering to celebrate the nuptials of two of their inner circle. No, it was because women like these two were professional money sniffers and had no doubt heard that Kento Yamamoto, the Seattle-born Japanese American billionaire who made his fortune in Tokyo, would be in attendance.

“How have you been?” MacKenzie asked through her awful bright orange lipstick.

“What’s Japan like?” came Amber’s probe with a sweep of her hair, as if there was a one-sentence answer to that question.