‘Visiting her parents.’

‘Her parents?’

‘Yes. It seems she decided that it was time she spent some quality time with them.’

‘She did?’

Andrew’s eyes sparkled even more, his lips curving into a smile. ‘I believe you have something to do with that.’

‘I did?’ Jack’s own lips quirked up; he’d got some

thing right then. ‘Yes, I guess I did.’

‘And since she’s been there a few days already, it must be going well, don’t you think?’

He did think. He really did. But it didn’t change the fact that he needed to see her, he needed to put things right between them.

‘I did get a message from her confirming that she would be back at work on Monday. I think she intends to travel back this evening, taking the weekend to get sorted out, that sort of thing.’

‘She’ll be home tonight?’

‘Indeed.’ He grinned now, his face so full of encouragement Jack had the sudden urge to kiss the man. Instead, he gripped his arms and thanked him.

The old man nodded, his eyes starting to glisten. ‘I reckon if you try about eight-ish, she’ll be home.’

‘Good. Good. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you.’

He started to leave.

‘You’re welcome...and sir?’

Jack paused midstride.

‘Good luck!’

* * *

Sophia slotted the key in her lock and winced as her shoulder twinged, her body protesting after four nights in her childhood bed. But it had been worth every broken spring, every minute of lost sleep, to have reclaimed what she’d lost all these years: a place in her family home with parents who clearly loved her and had missed her so much.

How she had been blind to it before she didn’t know, but it had taken Jack—Jack. She closed her eyes over the pain that tore through her, the ache of loss as acute as any grief, and tried to push past it. Though it was no use. She missed him. She missed him so much it hurt like a physical pain no medication could cure.

She opened her eyes and dragged in a breath as she pushed open her door and lifted her suitcase off the floor. A hot bath would help; it wouldn’t stop thoughts of him, but it would ease her aching—


She froze, the voice, the man who had plagued her day and night was so real, so very real.


She turned towards it and there he was, standing in the hallway. ‘How did you—?’

‘Samantha let me wait for you with her and Noah.’

She nodded dumbly. So that was where he’d come from. But it didn’t change things... It didn’t change the fact that she couldn’t be with him.

‘Why are you here, Jack?’

He walked towards her. ‘Can I come in?’