She tried to quicken their pace but the snow had banked fast and it was almost as high as Lily’s legs. She turned into the little girl and picked her up, wrapping her legs right around her as she continued on. But Jack was faster. He was suddenly upon them, his arms reaching out for Lily and pulling her from Sophia.

She looked up and saw everything she feared looking back at her. His eyes were wide, a terrified sheen covering his dark skin. ‘Jack?’

He shook his head, his eyes blazing as the snow fell thick and fast around them. ‘Inside. Now.’

Even Lily knew better than to say anything, but she looked at Sophia over his shoulder, her frown forming anew. She knew something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

Sophia followed on autopilot, her heart racing in her chest, her gut plummeting. Was this all because she had taken Lily out? Alone? Without him?

She remembered all the times she had questioned his trust in those around him, his trust in her, and she knew it to be true.

He’d said he loved her. He’d told her he loved her less than twelve hours ago.

But if he loved her, truly loved her as she did him, how could he not trust her?

She followed blindly, her thoughts spiralling out of control, her heart rate too. Everything had been so perfect, so right...and she realised it was all a lie.

No, not a lie. She’d believed him when he’d said he loved her. But hadn’t he also said he wasn’t capable of loving anyone the way they deserved? And wasn’t that exactly what this proved?

She’d been a fool. A fool to believe this was possible. A fo

ol to believe she deserved her own happy-ever-after.

A fool to fall in love and believe she’d be loved in return.

Because what was love without trust?

Not enough.

* * *

He knew Sophia followed him. He was as attuned to her footfall as he was to Lily’s living, breathing form in his arms, past and present colliding with sickening clarity. Only Lily was bigger, much bigger now, and Sophia...she wasn’t Elena.

He opened the door to his suite and strode in. Her footsteps ceased. ‘Come in, Sophia.’

He couldn’t look at her. Instead he headed for Lily’s room; he needed her warm and very, very safe.

‘Daddy, why are you mad?’ Lily lifted her head off his shoulder, the concern in her gaze crushing him.

‘I’m not mad. I was worried.’

‘Because we were gone?’

He nodded and lowered her to her feet.

‘But we left you a note...’

‘A note?’

He crouched, his hands sweeping over her face, her hair, taking off her hat as he kissed her forehead and held her face close.

‘Uh-huh.’ She nodded. ‘On the pillow, next to you.’

He dragged in a breath. So he’d missed the note. It was likely wrapped up in the bed sheets. It didn’t change what had happened, how close they’d been to putting themselves in danger.

‘You get yourself into some dry clothes, okay? I’m just going to talk to Sophia.’

‘Don’t be mad with her. It was my fault. I begged her to take me out.’