He paused over the button to his trousers. ‘Yes?’

‘I love you too.’

Her voice was so definite, so very real, and he stripped the last of his clothing in one swift motion, joining her on the bed and claiming her lips with his.

This was what coming home felt like. This was what love felt like. And now he’d found it he had no idea how he’d live without it again.

And if life was kind he would never have to.


SOPHIA STILL COULDN’T believe the night’s events.

The sun wasn’t even up and she was lying awake, Jack’s arm across her naked tummy, his even breath brushing over her shoulder as he slept so deeply, so soundly. She knew how tired he was, t

he travelling having taken its toll, no matter how he tried to fight it, and she felt for him.

But this was a new beginning. They were talking about a future—a future in which Lily and Jack would settle in the UK. Less travel, more stability for Lily, more time for them—the three of them. It was all coming true and she was too abuzz to sleep any more.

The second she’d awoken she’d replayed his words of love, his attentive mouth as he’d travelled the length of her body, demonstrating his love for her in such a way that she had felt worshipped, cherished, loved more than she’d ever thought possible.

He loved her. He truly loved her.

And she was so utterly besotted, with him and Lily.

Life truly could be perfect. She’d never dared to believe, but now she did.

She turned to look at him beside her, felt that love blossom in her chest, her heart feeling so big it was impossible to breathe.

‘I love you, Jack,’ she whispered, and then she heard it, the sound of movement in the hallway. Lily was awake.

She frowned and strained to listen. Maybe she’d been mistaken. But no, there was the delicate patter of small feet, a brush of clothing against the wall.

Although Lily knew of their relationship—that ship had definitely sailed—she wasn’t quite ready to have her walk in on them naked and entwined.

She slipped out from beneath Jack’s arm and picked up her clothes from the floor, from where Jack had hastily deposited them. Her cheeks flushed even now at the memory and she pressed a hand to them, taking a cooling breath as she pulled them on and silently slid from the room.

She found Lily in the living area, her tiny frame dwarfed by the tall glass that currently showcased Aurora and the stars. It wasn’t quite as striking as in their bubble, but it was no less mesmerising, and Lily was certainly mesmerised.

‘Lily,’ she whispered, not wanting to startle her.

She turned to her and smiled. ‘Hi, Sphea.’

Sophia pressed a finger to her lips and gave a gentle, ‘Shh, your daddy is sleeping.’

She nodded and looked back to the glass.

‘I wish we didn’t have to leave,’ she murmured as Sophia joined her, her voice taking on a sad edge.

‘You and me both,’ Sophia admitted truthfully. ‘But you know the weather is set to turn. There’s another storm on the way and the hotel is already preparing for it. If we don’t leave now, we might get stuck.’

‘I wouldn’t mind being stuck,’ she said, looking up at her and taking hold of her hand.

Sophia gave her hand a little squeeze. ‘I bet.’

‘Do you think we could build another snowman before we go?’

‘If we have time after breakfast, I’m sure we—’