‘It’s Mummy!’ Lily had turned to him and shouted.

And he’d had to smile, because she was right. The saying he’d always told his daughter was strong in her memory: When it rains look for rainbows...when it’s dark look for stars.

He smiled as he remembered the pleasure in her face, what he could make out between her thick woolly hat and the scarf as high as her nose. The moment had been perfect and, he hoped, captured for ever in his little girl’s memory.

They were back in the car now, heading for the last stop before their destination for the night. It was two in the afternoon, still time to catch it in daylight and get to their room for the night... Room. It really was just a room, with nothing but the woodland and the sky surrounding them. They’d all be in the one bed too, but he knew Sophia knew this. And yes, he knew nothing could happen, but he didn’t care. The idea of them all being together under the stars was just so—

His phone started to ring, breaking the peaceful harmony in the car. Both Sophia and Lily sent him a look and he grimaced as he pulled it out of his pocket. Even the driver up front was giving him the evil eye through the rear-view mirror—at least that was how it felt.

He checked the screen: Connor.

He grimaced more. He had to take it. This takeover was becoming a royal pain in the proverbial, but he wanted it. And he always got what he wanted...eventually.

Sophia looked to the screen too. ‘Connor again? Is the guy so incapable of doing his job he has to keep ringing?’

Her remark smarted. Connor wasn’t incapable. In fact, Connor was remarkable; he was two years his junior and yet he’d proved time and time again just how capable he was.

So why is he ringing you to talk through the latest issue?

He swiped the call to answer and gave a curt, ‘What is it?’

Connor went straight into detail. He knew Jack’s time was short, even shorter with him supposedly on holiday. He listened intently as his number two did his best to keep it brief, but it wasn’t brief enough for Sophia. Her eyes kept slipping to him, her frown deepening with each second.

‘Are you happy for me to proceed on that basis, Jack?’

Basis—what basis?

He realised his mind had wandered, too distracted by Sophia’s displeasure let alone his daughter’s, and then he shook himself out of it. What was he even doing? He’d employed Connor years back. The guy had proved his worth over and over, and yet here he was, seeking his approval for another matter.

And then the truth hit him like a slap to the face. Connor was like that because he’d made him that way. He’d made him seek approval, he’d made him ensure that he was abreast of every situation, involved in every decision, he’d demanded that involvement instead of bestowing on him the trust his role demanded.

Jack was a fool, a prize idiot. He’d employed Connor to cover his absences, to be him in his absence, yet his controlling behaviour and his treatment of him had resulted in the complete opposite.

‘Connor, stop.’

‘I’m sorry... Was that not—?’

‘No, Connor, I mean stop. I mean follow your instincts. I trust you to get this right.’

‘You—you trust me?’

He could sense the guy’s frown down the phone.

‘Yes. I wouldn’t have employed you otherwise. Do what you think you need to, get us this deal. I trust you to do what’s right for the company.’

‘And you?’

‘I’m on holiday. Not to be disturbed until Monday at the earliest.’



‘Right. Okay. No problem, I’m on it.’

‘I know you are.’

‘Thank you, Jack.’