‘That would mean coming back to the UK.’

‘And you’re not ready for that?’

He worked his shoulders into the pillow behind him, under the pretence of getting comfortable, but she had the feeling it was more to mask the pain of what that thought brought.

‘It’s not going to be a quick fix though; it’s not going to help with the imminent arrival of her birthday.’

‘No, I guess not. Do you have to go to Tokyo? Perhaps you could stay longer...’ She couldn’t stop the spark of hope, the idea of having them around longer too appealing to ignore.

‘You could borrow Noah and his friends?’ She gave a teasing smile. ‘They’d love to see you again, I’m sure.’

He laughed, the sound sending a shiver of delight through her. ‘It’s an idea... I just wish things were different.’

He went quiet, his eyes distant, and she reached over to place a reassuring hand on his above the blanket. ‘It seems to me that you’re on the right track though. This time next year things could be very different for her.’

He gave her a small smile. ‘Thank you.’

‘For what?’

‘For making me see sense.’

She laughed softly. ‘I didn’t do anything.’

Their eyes caught and she felt that connection between them sizzle to life. ‘You’ve done more than you could possibly know.’

Her lips parted as she tried to take in air, to cope with the warmth spreading through her body. ‘I’m glad I could help.’

‘Me too.’ He looked to Lily between them. ‘I’d best get her to bed.’

She nodded, removing her hand to look down at his sleeping daughter, who had the brochure of Iceland open and pressed into her chest. ‘She’s beautiful.’

‘You both are.’

‘Jack...’ She shook her head, half brushing off his remark, half treasuring it as she picked the brochure up and climbed off the bed.

‘Just speaking the truth.’

She couldn’t stop the smile that touched her lips or the way his words turned her insides to a soft, gooey mess as she took the brochure and the empties into the kitchen and placed them on the counter. It felt so surreal having them here...and at the same time so right. She’d never thought herself lonely before, but when they left she just knew it would be different.

She lifted the brochure Lily had loved so much and flicked it open to the double-page spread, placing it down on the counter and tracing her fingers over the see-through dome, the bed with the family of three sitting upon it gazing up at Aurora and the stars.

‘She’s out for the count,’ Jack said, walking back into the room. ‘Didn’t even murmur when I tucked her in.’

Sophia didn’t look up. She was too lost in the image beneath her fingers and the idea that was forming.

‘I know what you can do for her birthday,’ she rushed out in whispered excitement. ‘And she’ll love every second. And you won’t need an instant family or instant friends to do it.’

She sensed him frown. ‘What?’

She slid the brochure across the counter to him and tapped a finger on the picture of the dome. ‘This!’

He laughed. ‘It’s a great idea, but surely it’ll be fully booked by now.’

‘The resort is new. I only have the brochure because I’m in the industry. They’re running some special launch stays prior to their grand opening. I could put in a call, see what there is?’

‘I don’t know...’

‘You saw how much she loved it and you know how much she loves the stars. Even if you don’t see the northern lights, she’d be in her element with the snow, the waterfalls, the amazing scenery... She’d love it all.’