‘What, the bubbles or the sky?’

‘It’s all real,’ Sophia said, her finger swirling over the bubble in the picture. ‘This is in Iceland.’

‘Iceland? Have I ever been to Iceland, Daddy?’

‘No, neither of us have.’

‘I’d like to go some time.’

‘I’m sure you would.’

‘Could we all go?’

Sophia choked on her chocolate and turned away.

Jack decided that there was no way to answer his daughter’s impulsive question so instead he asked her another. ‘What was your favourite bit about today?’

Lily pressed her lips together, looked to the ceiling and hummed. ‘All of it! Having friends to play with—Noah has so many friends—and then when we all jumped on you and that was so funny.’

‘Funny for you maybe...’ he rolled his shoulders ‘...my body isn’t so sure.’

Lily laughed, giving him a playful shove. ‘You were great, Daddy. I’m lucky to have a daddy like you.’

His chest swelled, even his eyes pricked, and then he caught the warmth in Sophia’s gaze and he was hooked.

‘But we have a problem...’

He dragged his eyes to Lily, surprised by her sudden downturn, even more so by her solemn frown.


‘How do I get friends for my birthday party in Tokyo?’


‘A SLEEPOVER AT the age of thirty—who would have thought it?’

Jack’s voice was low as he tried not to disturb a snoozing Lily who was lying between them, propped up on pillows with the blanket covering them all.

‘I still can’t believe she roped us into getting the sofa bed out just to watch the film.’ Sophia didn’t look at him as she said it; her eyes were fixed on the TV screen and not on the proximity of his. It was too snug, too easy, lying like this with the lights down low, the TV playing a movie she could remember nothing of, and all in her own domain.

It was easy to forget who Jack was. From the moment he’d got on all fours at the party and rolled around with the kids, taken a slop of cream to the nose with his unmanly drink and cosied up on her ancient sofa with her well-worn tartan blanket, she had lost sight of what was real. Because she didn’t just want him, she realised; she wanted so much more.

‘I think I was too busy worrying about her upcoming birthday I’d have agreed to anything.’

Now she looked at him and saw the lines of concern creasing his face as the colours of the TV danced over them. ‘You’re really worried about it?’

‘It’s not just today. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you’ve said, about her having no base and being unable to set down roots or make real friends of her own.’

‘I’m sorry.’ She felt guilty even though she knew she’d been right to raise it. ‘But I think it’s important for her to have all that, although I know it makes things difficult for you.’


‘Have you thought more about speaking to her grandmother?’

He sent her a quick look and sighed. ‘Yes. I have. And I will. It won’t be easy, but I think it’s worth a shot.’

‘From what you’ve said she’ll likely have aunts and uncles close to her own age, family that she can play with, grow up with.’