‘Come on, there’s a ramp over there—I can show you some moves. Don’t worry, I won’t make you do it too, not unless you want to... I can help you, if you like?’

‘Go easy, Noah, love.’ Samantha rested her hand on her son’s shoulder. ‘Lily’s only just met you.’

Noah shrugged, his grin wide and widening further when Lily smiled at him.

‘I’d like that.’


‘So long as you have the time, Sam?’ Sophia asked her friend, half wishing Sam had some place else to be, because this felt too real, as if Jack could really belong in her world if she let him in.

‘Sure we do. Dan’s had to pop into the office, a last-minute hiccup with a high profile project; you know that kind of thing.’ She rolled her eyes dramatically. ‘Best he gets it sorted and then we can at least enjoy tomorrow in peace.’

‘Great—thanks, Mum. Come on, Lil!’

Noah started scooting away and Lily looked to her father and then to Sophia. She was nervous, unsure of herself, and Sophia’s heart ached for her.

‘Noah’s good fun, Lily, you’ll see,’ she encouraged her softly. ‘Go on, we’re coming too.’

The little girl started off in his direction, glancing back over her shoulder twice just to be sure they followed and then she was fully focused on Noah as he whooped his way around the ramps, her shyness gradually falling away as he called out to her and involved her.

It was strange to see Lily stripped of her confidence. She glanced at Jack as they followed them across the park and though he watched his daughter there was no indication he thought anything amiss...unless she recalled the grimace he’d given when the birthday party had been mentioned.

Sophia would hazard a guess that the answer to the birthday party question was a no. No party. No celebration with kids of her own age. And though she knew he meant well, would he see that Lily was actually missing out on things that were considered a normal part of growing up?

A real childhood, with playdates, friends, fun and laughter.

She didn’t doubt how happy Lily was with her father, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that the little girl was missing out on playing with children her own age. Her shyness with Noah a sad result of it.

‘So how long are you staying for then, Jack?’

Sophia pulled herself out of her thoughts at Samantha’s conversation starter. She needed to keep her wits about her. She wouldn’t put it past her friend to say something completely inappropriate that would have Jack wishing for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Or, worse, running in the opposite direction and taking his dear, sweet Lily with him.

It was an outcome she should perhaps be grateful for, but it wasn’t gratitude that made her chest ache at the idea.

* * *

The Italian Jack had chosen for dinner that evening was bustling, but his request to add two to the reservation had only resulted in a twenty-minute delay and the kids had decided the extra time would be perfect for sampling milkshakes at the bar.

Even now they were thick as thieves, laughing about something as they sucked on their straws, barely coming up for air. Quite a change from the Lily who had hidden behind his legs at the park...

‘This really is very kind of you both, letting us gatecrash like this,’ Samantha was saying. ‘I think Noah had resigned himself to a day with just me and him.’

‘Nothing wrong with that,’ Sophia told her. ‘Mother-and-son time is awesome too.’

Samantha twirled her straw in the mojito she’d opted for, her face losing some of its exuberance. ‘I’m not so sure. Not when it’s becoming routine that Dan has to work Saturday and miss out on his footie practice.’ She gave a little sigh but then smiled. ‘Still, he’s promised to make up for it tomorrow and that’s better than not at all.’

‘Well, his loss is our gain,’ Sophia said, gently shoulder barging her friend. ‘And in the meantime you get to enjoy our scintillating company and pizza.’

‘That’s true.’ Samantha gave her a grin and looked back to the two kids who sat opposite each other, leaning forward so that their heads were practically glued together as they talked. ‘I think Noah’s certainly found a firm friend there; just a shame you’re not stopping longer, Jack.’

He felt that same weird tightness in his chest, a sense that the sand was flowing too quickly through the hourglass, but he masked it all with a smile. ‘We’ll be back in London at some point... We’ll have to keep in touch.’

He looked to Sophia. Would they keep in touch too? And what did he really hope to achieve by doing that?

‘Mum!’ Noah suddenly turned to them. ‘Can Lily come to my party on Saturday?’

Samantha looked to Jack. ‘She’s more than welcome. He’s just having a few friends over to play some party games and eat far too many E numbers to count.’