That realisation should have had him running too. Instead, he was looking into her eyes and telling himself it would be okay. He just had to be careful. Controlled. Sensible.

He ran a billion-pound empire so they were qualities he possessed in spades, and he should be able to rely on them now. But as he continued to lose himself in her gaze, he started to doubt even himself.


It was the waiter, offering the card machine and judging by the amusement he could spy in Sophia’s gaze it wasn’t the first time he’d tried to get his attention.

Careful. Controlled. Sensible. Restrained.

He punched in his PIN with each word.

He started to rise. ‘Shall we?’

‘Good to have you back in the room, Jack.’

Her eyes sparkled with her teasing, her humour reaching right inside him and warming him through, pushing out the panic, the worry, the warning sounds in his head.

He offered his hand to her and she slipped her fingers into his, getting to her feet, all the while her eyes locked with his.

She was beautiful, she was funny and, without thinking any further, he leant in, his mouth brushing beside her ear. ‘You make me feel happy.’


AS THEY STEPPED out into the brisk winter’s night Sophia shivered. Not from the chilling wind that whipped around them, but from the memory of his touch against her ear. It had hardly been there at all—just the brush of his lips. But the power of it...

‘Are you cold?’ He frowned down at her, clearly spying the tremor and misreading its cause. ‘Maybe a walk isn’t such a great idea.’

‘No, no, it would be nice to get some fresh air. I don’t make enough time for it these days.’ She pulled her thick woollen coat tightly around her and smiled up at him. ‘But if you want to wuss out?’

He grinned, his arm hooking around her waist and setting off a new string of fireworks inside.

‘No way.’

Was he as surprised as she at the protective gesture? If he was, he didn’t make any show of it. Instead, they walked in step with one another, completely at ease as though they’d been doing it for years, when in reality she’d never walked like this before, a man’s arm around her.

She bowed her head against the wind and the odd spot of rain starting to fall, her thoughts turning to his late wife and whether this was something they had done often. Maybe even the exact same thing, dining at the same restaurant, taking a walk around Hyde Park after?

A multitude of scenarios played out in her head, her internet search having provided the perfect image of Elena and their projected happiness together. Her heart panged inside her chest and she hunched her shoulders, fending it off.

‘What are you thinking about?’

She felt his eyes burning down into her, but she couldn’t look at him, couldn’t tell him the honest answer either.


Her softly spoken name tugged at her and she found herself looking up at him, forcing a smile. ‘I guess you don’t get to do this often either?’

‘What, take a walk?’


‘I do, as it happens. Lily and I take a walk every Saturday morning, even in the rain.’

She grinned. ‘Ah, muddy puddle days.’

‘Indeed.’ His eyes narrowed on her. ‘You know, for someone who doesn’t have children, you sure know what they like.’

‘My friend Samantha has a five-year-old boy. I figure mud is just as appealing at that age whether you’re a boy or a girl. Nothing beats donning wellies and making the most of the puddles.’