‘It’s not good to keep it all locked inside.’

Says the man who never talks of Elena.

‘It seems we have quite the pasts to share,’ she said quietly.

‘Yes... I suppose we do.’

But her past...hers was the true pain of loss, shrouded in a guilt she shouldn’t feel. Not like his guilt. His was deserved and it was the reason he couldn’t accept her sympathy. Or anyone’s love, for that matter.

With Elena he’d not only proved himself incapable of loving another, he’d proved himself unworthy of it too. He hadn’t deserved her, and he certainly didn’t deserve Sophia now.

He withdrew his hands and sat back in his seat once more.

He didn’t deserve anyone.



It was the only way to describe the candlelit luxury of her surroundings and the calibre of the man sitting opposite her. No amount of reminding herself that this was temporary, just a thank-you meal to keep his daughter sweet, could dissuade her from getting wrapped up in him and his world.

As for the restaurant, everyone in the service industry knew of it with its numerous awards, accolades and several-months-long waiting list. She shouldn’t really be surprised that Jack of all people had managed to secure a last-minute reservation, although people like him probably had a table kept in their name just on the off-chance they’d swing by. They’d certainly made him—no, the two of them—feel like royalty the second they’d arrived.

She spooned up her decadent chocolate dessert and in spite of being stuffed to the brim she couldn’t resist its rich, salty-sweet goodness. Much as she couldn’t resist discreetly devouring the sight of the man who’d recommended it. And with the wine, the pleasurable food and his stimulating conversation she was getting less discreet by the mouthful.

Now, as her eyes lifted to his, she paused, the spoon hovering halfway to her mouth. He was watching her, the dark intensity in his gaze making her pulse dance.

‘What?’ she asked, lowering the spoon just a little.

‘You like your food.’

It was an observation, a simple statement of fact, but her cheeks burned. Her mother’s teasing coming back from their childhood: Did you inhale it?

‘I’m sorry.’

She placed the spoon back on the plate and smoothed her palm over her belly, her eyes falling away from his. Thoughts of her family always made her stomach swim. Seconds ago, she’d been floating in the clouds, loving every second, now she plummeted back to earth with a bump.

His grin was as swift as the shake of his head. ‘Don’t apologise.’

He leaned forward, his elbows pressing into the table as he rested his chin on his folded hands, that intense gaze still on her and making her forget the momentary nausea. ‘It’s a nice change, eating with someone who doesn’t play with their food.’

‘Are we back to talking about Lily again?’

He gave a soft laugh. ‘No, she’s as eager as you... I meant—’ He broke off, another shake of his head.

‘You meant...?’

Leaning back in his seat, he took up the napkin and raised it to his lips. Her eyes traced the move, the swipe of the cotton against their teasing curve, their appealing softness... What would it feel like to press her own lips against them, to catch the lower one in hers, to lick...? Promptly, she lifted her spoon and stuffed it inside her own mouth. There would be no kissing, no licking, no nothing.

She feasted on the dessert, slowly savouring the taste explosion as she tried to douse the heat unfurling low in her belly. But it was no use. It continued to flare, stoked by the way his own eyes watched her devouring the heady chocolate.

‘I was going to say...’ his voice had turned gruff, its edge at odds with the calm way in which he folded the napkin onto his plate ‘...it makes a change from the women I’m used to eating with.’

She felt the oddest spark of jealousy and quickly stamped it out with another spoon of heaven. Her taste buds sang while her brain talked her down. He wasn’t hers to get jealous over. He never would be. It was ridiculous even to feel it.

But she had.

So much for not getting carried away. First kissing fantasies, and now jealousy! She wanted to roll her eyes at herself.