‘Five—she’s six in a few weeks.’ And she was excited about it too, birthdays becoming a bigger deal now. His heart and body softened as he remembered their conversation just last night and how they had to count the number of sleeps remaining.

‘Ah, a birthday—how lovely! And what has she asked for?’

‘A pony.’

Sophia’s laugh tinkled through the car, taking away the last of his unease with it. ‘Every little girl goes through that phase.’

‘You too?’

‘Oh, yes, my sister and I...’ A slight tremor entered her voice and she shook her head, her throat bobbing as her eyes flitted away for a second, and when they came back there was a sheen that hadn’t existed before. But still she smiled, the gesture such a contrast to her sudden sadness. ‘We begged for one, just one to share if we couldn’t have one each.’

He couldn’t take his eyes from the look in hers. ‘And did you get your wish?’ he asked softly.

She shook her head and he knew the sheen of tears had nothing to do with the pony. He wanted to ask her what was wrong, but he didn’t want to make it worse. He didn’t want to upset her. He tried to think of something else to say—anything to fill the void, to distract her—but the look in her eyes haunted him. It made him want to delve deeper, have her talk, and in turn he could offer...offer what? Comfort? Distraction from whatever this was?

His eyes fell to her lips and he felt the pull swell exponentially, felt it wrap around them, drawing them closer. Did she feel it too?

‘So...’ her voice drew him up sharply, his eyes lifting to hers to catch the way her lashes fluttered, her breath shaky as she visibly sought to regain control ‘...is she getting a pony?’

He gave a laugh that sounded more like a bark as he tried to relax into his seat. What was wrong with him? He was used to beautiful women up close and personal, but never had he felt so out of control of his senses.

Maybe it was the hint of trauma, of darkness he glimpsed in her too. The one thing he could understand, feel connected to.

‘Hardly.’ He raked a hand over his hair and looked to the window, to the far less evocative passing world. ‘They don’t exactly fit in a suitcase, and she has no need for one, not when I bought her an entire stud farm last year.?


‘You bought her what?’ she choked out, half-laughing, half-incredulous, calling his gaze back to her.

‘Last year she asked for a horse,’ he explained with a shrug, ‘and it seemed like a wise investment opportunity.’

‘I don’t think she was thinking about its investment potential.’

He grinned now. ‘No, that much is true, but she has one of the racehorses named in her honour and she gets to sit on him occasionally.’

‘Right...okay...’ She gave a downward smile, her head nodding as her eyes twinkled under the passing streetlights. No sadness now.




‘Don’t you think she was looking more for a pet, a friend of some sort?’


‘Maybe she thinks asking for a pony will give her that. I’m surprised she hasn’t asked for a puppy.’

‘Oh, she’s asked for one of those too.’

‘And it’s a no?’

‘Again, not suitcase-friendly and it wouldn’t be fair to lug it from country to country, not to mention the vaccinations, the pet passport, the poo...’ He shuddered. ‘No, it’s a definite no.’

A crease formed between her brows and she looked desperate to say something.

‘What is it?’ he probed when she wasn’t forthcoming.