Reality could wait a few more hours at least...

* * *

Jack waited for her to get settled into the back seat before joining her a respectful distance away, but her presence radiated down his side, his pulse hammering in a way it hadn’t since...since for ever.

He watched her out of the corner of his eye as she played with her fingers upon her lap, her attention on the outside world as his driver pulled out into the traffic.

She wore a similar dress to the previous day, only now she’d lost the ID badge. Her hair was once again knotted up high, her make-up sparse and natural, and her ears were adorned with small pearl droplets that drew his attention to her long, slender neck. She had an effortless poise about her that made her as elegant as any date he’d had before.

Though this wasn’t a date. Nothing of the sort. It was a thank-you meal to keep his daughter happy.

He just had to keep reminding himself of that fact.

‘Something tells me you work late a lot?’ It was a question aimed to distract himself from his thoughts, but as she looked to him, her eyes sparkling with humour, he could no longer deny the reason he was here was because, above all else, he wanted to be.

And he wanted it to be a date, to take her out to dinner regardless of whether it was wise or sensible, without guilt.

‘Something tells me you do too.’ Her voice was light, teasing, and he found himself grinning.

‘Fair point.’

She returned his smile, her fingers ceasing their nervous play. ‘I take it you’re in London on business?’

‘Yes, that’s right. I was hoping it would be a week, but it’s looking more like two now.’

She frowned a little. ‘You’re in a hurry to leave then?’

‘Is it that obvious?’

‘You were the one who said you hoped to be gone sooner,’ she reminded him, not missing a beat. ‘I assume that’s because you’re wanting to be gone.’

She waved a hand through the air and he had to stop himself from frowning as he thought about the reason he wanted to be gone. He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want anything to put a damper on their evening, not now they were heading out together. Alone. Just the two of them.

And there came the guilt again...the timely reminder of Elena and his biggest failure. He glanced out of the window and London looked back at him, full of its memories. He breathed through it and schooled his expression.

‘I was,’ he said, facing her again. ‘London isn’t... London isn’t exactly a city I’m fond of.’

Her eyes scanned his face, her curiosity at his remark obvious, but he did the same, taking advantage of her attention to drink her in, her natural beauty, her appeal that warmed him all the way to the bone, and he realised that London looked slightly less grey now. ‘But perhaps staying longer isn’t such a bad thing.’

Her eyes met his and he added carefully, ‘Lily certainly likes the idea.’

She nodded, her smile full of affection. ‘She seems like a great kid.’

‘That she is.’

‘Do you travel a lot with her?’

‘Quite a bit.’

‘So where’s home when you’re not travelling?’

Home? Nowhere. Not since London, not since Elena. A cold sweat instantly spread, the hairs at his nape prickling against the crisp collar of his shirt and sending his eyes back to the outside world, safe from her astute gaze.

He clenched his hand into the soft leather seat and tried to keep his voice neutral. ‘We don’t have one as such. I have headquarters in various continents and I move between them depending on where I’m needed most.’

She was quiet for a while and he took the time to regain that sense of ease, to put the past to bed for a few hours at least.

‘She must be well travelled for a... How old is she?’