She stilled, her smile as genuine as she felt. ‘Is that you asking me to dinner again?’

‘Is that you saying you will agree this time?’ he quipped, his hopeful expression weakening the last of her resolve.

‘Dinner with you and Lily?’

‘Yes, she can be our chaperone.’

‘Are we in need of a chaperone?’

Too quick. Too feisty. Too full-on, Sophia!

Something flashed in his gaze, something akin to the heat streaking right to her toes as she realised she couldn’t take back her reckless words and knew she didn’t want to either.

‘So, what do you say?’

She didn’t know whether she should be disappointed or relieved that he didn’t answer her question. Not directly at any rate.

But what should she say?

No, because the chemistry between us is scaring the life out of me.

No, because I’m messed-up and in no place for whatever this is.

No, because...just because.

‘You know, I really am starting to question my charm.’

His grin, filled with the very charm she’d brought into question, seared away any intention of saying no.

And what was there to say no to when she thought about it rationally?

She enjoyed his company. She’d enjoyed Lily’s company that afternoon. Would it really be so bad to go to dinner? What was the worst that could happen with his daughter present?

She smiled and raised her glass to her lips, enjoying the anticipation heating the air between them. This was fun. So much fun. And fun wasn’t something she’d had in a long time.

‘Come on, one dinner and you’ll make both mine and Lily’s day.’

She knew she’d regret it later, but...

‘Okay, Jack, dinner it is.’


AS FAR AS Fridays went, today was certainly up there with the worst and she was late. Really late. She’d agreed to meet Jack in the foyer at six-thirty but it was now gone seven and she was having to call his room to delay it another thirty minutes at least.

‘Jack, I’m so sorry,’ she rushed out as soon as he answered. ‘I’m still tied up.’

‘It’s okay.’

In the background she could hear an excited Lily asking if it was Sphea and she closed her eyes briefly, shutting down the guilt.

‘I can deal with this,’ Andrew said before her.

‘No, it’s fine,’ she mouthed, adding into the receiver, ‘Maybe we could do this another night?’

She cringed after she said it, her ears straining for his response. She knew she was running scared, but she’d had time to sleep on it, a day to think without him in front of her...

‘No, we’ll do it tonight, just let me know when you’re ready.’