Page 58 of Naughty or Nice


It’s a warning. To her. To me.

‘I’m guessing you’re already a member,’ she says, looking at me from under her lashes.

‘A member?’

My heart is thrumming in my ears now, the warmth coiling through my body reaching breaking point. She takes a long, slow sip of the straw-gold liquid, her throat moving hypnotically, her little appreciative hum teasing me.

‘Come on, Lucas, you’re not that innocent.’

I swallow, hard. Of course I know to what she’s referring. And there’s a bed next door...ready to be used. But I don’t want this to be about sex. Me and her. I want it to be about business. About convincing her I’m the right company for her. Not cloud it with this.

But then, after the way we parted, this is the last thing I expected to be heading off.

‘Tell it as amazing as they say at high altitude?’

She’s still sitting out of reaching distance, but I feel her words like a caress over my cock, and a stream of erotic scenarios streak through my mind.

‘They say it’s to do with the dip in atmospheric pressure...’ she practically purrs. ‘The reduction in oxygen levels messing with your brain, making you feel more stimulated, intensifying the pleasure...’

She curves a hand over her upper thigh and I fight the urge to move, to cover her hand with my own.

‘I wouldn’t actually know.’

‘With your reputation, you expect me to believe that?’

I laugh, projecting mock-offence. ‘Why is it so hard to believe?’

‘Come on, Lucas, you own this jet—don’t tell me you haven’t brought a date on it?’

‘No, I haven’t.’

I date women, sure. And I have connections around the globe. But they’re connections, not relationships. They serve a purpose when I need it. The jet is simply my transport for work—it’s not a social vehicle.

Not that I really do social.

‘Give over. Once a player, always a player,’ she murmurs into her drink.

I sense she’s teasing me, but I don’t like it.

Let it go.

I can’t. It’s the same reason I couldn’t let her remark about human rights slide. I want her to see the good in me. And if not the good, then at least the truth.

‘Is that how you see me?’

She lowers her glass to the side table and her eyes soften. ‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s know. All those girls when we were and Nate were horrendous.’

She’s not wrong. I remember it well. But I also remember the reason, and I want to tell her. But it will open me up, expose me.

My neck prickles. I’m not used to talking so much. Even though I want to tell her, there’s a part of me that fears the power it will hand her.

And isn’t that as bad as confessing the real reason I came to her personally instead of sending an employee?

But is it so bad if it’s the truth?

‘Look, it’s okay, Lucas. You’re not the only one playing the field.’ Her cheeks colour and she waves a carefree hand. ‘And, hey, you’re a desirable bachelor. I’m not judging you. I’m know...saying that if you had...’