Page 49 of Naughty or Nice

I look at the entrance to the Underground and decide against it. I can’t face being hemmed in—not like this.

‘Then quit the avoidance and tell me what you’re playing at, still talking to him.’

I pause and a laden pedestrian curses, right on my tail.

‘Sorry.’ I grimace, ducking out of her way.


‘Not you.’ I scan the traffic, looking for a yellow taxi light. ‘I’m talking to him because he could be good for my business. He has everything I need.’

‘Need?’ Nate scoffs down the phone. ‘There are plenty of other suitable firms. What about Rosalie and Janus Industries? She’s flying in next week. I thought you were speaking to her?’

‘I am.’ I spy an available cab and hail it, moving to the edge of the kerb, careful to avoid being run down by either a person or a car. ‘We’re scheduled to meet on Tuesday.’

‘So wait for her.’

I shake my head incredulously. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Nate. I’m doing my research—both Rosalie’s and Lucas’s are among the many companies I’m considering. I’m getting this right.’

The cab pulls up alongside me and I open the door, hopping in. ‘Jermyn Street, please.’

‘Sure thing.’

The driver scans me over his shoulder a second longer than feels necessary. Bare legs, middle of winter, that’s not normal.

I tug my skirt lower.

‘Still staying at Mum and Dad’s, then?’ asks Nate.

‘Until my place is ready—yeah.’

I look out of the window as the taxi pulls away, but I’m not really aware of the passing world or what I’m saying. My head is full of Lucas, of how he felt towards me, of what Nate did. And I don’t want this conversation with my brother over the phone. I know I need to have it, but not now. I’m tired, and he’s thousands of miles away getting a deal signed. It’s not the right time.

‘Don’t do it, Eva’

‘Do what?’ I ask, even though I know.

‘Go into business with him...bring him back into our lives.’

My anger erupts, spurred on by guilt at how we mistreated Lucas. The royal ‘we’—the Beaumonts. And my brother is still sticking the knife in.

Remember, now isn’t the time...

‘I’ll decide what’s best for my product and for my business, Nate.’

‘And what if he’s doing this just to stir things? Have you thought about that?’

Christ, when haven’t I? Isn’t that why I’m terrified, in part...?

‘He could screw you over just as easily as—’


I hear his breath, heavy down the phone.

‘Fine. But keep me posted, okay? And keep Dad in the loop? No nasty surprises.’

‘No, no nasty surprises.’