‘When?’ The word came out sharper than he would have liked.

Anna frowned. ‘An hour ago...maybe more?’

Hours? There was no prospect that she’d spend more than minutes there. Had she been called over? She could be alone with that pig Demetri. Without anyone to protect her.

‘Why did she go?’

‘She said she had to find—’

‘Has anyone heard from her? Or from Sergei?’

Christo tore the phone from his pocket and dialled the bodyguard’s number. The phone rang. Nothing. He tried Thea. The same.

He looked back towards Anna. She blushed.

‘Have I heard from Sergei? No...’

‘From Thea? Please, it’s important.’

‘No. Nothing...’

Christo raked his hands through his hair, sucked in a steadying breath. He’d go to the Lambros home. Confront them. Get Thea back. If they’d touched her...

He swore.

‘I’m leaving.’

Anna nodded. ‘I’ll call your driver.’


He needed speed. As fast as his driver was, he’d take too much interest in Christo’s safety. Christo didn’t care about himself. All he wanted was to find Thea and bring her home. Protect her, as he’d promised.

‘My keys. For the fastest car.’

‘I don’t know which—’

‘Sports car. Black.’

‘But all your cars are bl—’

There was no time for this. ‘I’ll find them.’

If they’d hurt Thea he’d tear them apart, no matter the consequences. Christo clenched his fists. And if Sergei had allowed it to happen the man would never work again.

He calculated the time. It would take him twenty minutes to reach the house. And ten minutes to raze their world to the ground if they didn’t tell him where she was.

His footsteps echoed against the walls. The door to the garage lay ahead.

Voices. He stopped. The door opened. Thea.

She walked through, sheathed in an inky black dress with her hair slicked back. Sergei followed her into the hall. His usually impassive face was cracked and worried.

Christo rushed forward, anger breaking like a wave on a reef. ‘Did they hurt you?’

She looked up, her face pale and grey as moonlight. He caught her as she slumped into him.

‘I need to go upstairs. Shower.’