‘You could try to look happy about it.’

She tossed her head, meaning to look resolute, but the move seemed somehow childish.


‘Never is a long, cold time to be alone.’ He ran his thumb over the full curve of his lower lip.

Such a decadent mouth for a man...

‘I’m used to being alone,’ she said.

Christo’s eyes tightened for a heartbeat, almost in a wince, then it was gone.

‘So am I.’

She dismissed him with a bored, practised glance and tucked her feet under her, opening the book Anna had purchased for her that afternoon. The request had earned her a bemused look, but she’d assured Anna that Christo loved doing puzzles in his spare time. When Anna had cackled out loud at this revelation, she knew she’d found a friend in the house.

Thea grinned.

One down. Six letters.

The tallest mountain in Europe.

She scribbled the answer.

‘Crosswords?’ Christo chuckled, deep and low.

The sound rolled over her, making her thighs clench.

She shrugged. ‘Your suggestion.’

He tossed down the papers he’d been studying. ‘I’m flattered you listened. So you’re planning on becoming an obedient wife? Lucky me.’

‘I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you.’

‘Ah, so my luck’s running out already?’ he said, sprawling on the couch.

Thea nibbled the end of her pencil and a dark and slumberous look swept over Christo’s face. She ignored the awareness of it prickling at the base of her spine.

‘Now hope is all I have left,’ he added.

‘Whilst you’re hoping for something which won’t happen, you can help. Two across. Eight letters. “A large Patagonian rodent that lives in communal groups.”’

He stretched back, hands behind his head. His shirt shifted to expose a glorious slice of golden etched abdomen.


She pencilled in the word, which fitted. ‘How do you know that?’

‘I’ve tasted it.’

‘What?’ she squeaked. ‘But a rodent’s a rat.’

‘More like a guinea pig. No tail.’

‘Well, having no tail obviously makes all the difference.’

‘Not my fondest culinary memory, but I was in South America on business and politeness dictated I sample it.’