‘Good. Because, with your permission, I’d like to come with you.’

‘To protect me?’ She smiled knowingly, but he didn’t respond.

‘Partly, though you can take some of your own men if you prefer.’

‘Because you on your own is the same as a few of my men.’ She let out a gurgle of laughter. Apparently she couldn’t stop smiling today. ‘You think very highly of yourself.’

‘The Empress once said I was like one of her deerhounds. A good attack dog.’

‘That doesn’t sound like much of a compliment.’

He grimaced. ‘You might be right, though I chose to believe it meant I was good at my job.’

‘Maybe she meant you were loyal. To her anyway.’

‘Maybe.’ He arched an eyebrow, as if the comment surprised him. ‘In any case, I’d like to get a closer look at the land.’

‘All right. You can come.’ She jumped down the last two steps enthusiastically. ‘Husband.’

She walked off briskly towards the stables, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder as she did so. Why had she said that? Partly because he’d called her wife earlier, partly because she’d wanted to see how he would react—though, judging by the expression of surprise on his face, he didn’t know how to. But he’d been right when he’d said they were stuck in this situation together. They ought to try to make the best of it. And he was her husband, after all—she was only stating a fact. It was just a word. It didn’t mean anything else. Even if she was starting to like it.

* * *

An hour later she reined in her palfrey, stopping on a ridge that overlooked a deep valley to the east. Together, they’d galloped all along the backbone of the hills, the wind rushing past her ears so fast that her headdress now lay flat on her shoulders, surrounded by a mane of hair as wild and tangled as it had ever been. This was one of her favourite views. As she looked out at the horizon, it was hard to imagine they were part of a country at war with itself. It looked peaceful, the way it once had been—the way it hopefully would be again.

‘You’re a good rider.’ Lothar cantered up beside her.

‘I’m out of practice.’ She reached forward to pat her palfrey’s neck. ‘It’s one of the few things women are allowed to do that I’m actually good at.’ She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. ‘Or do you object?’

He grinned. ‘I’m not so easily offended. I’ve seen a woman’s legs before.’


She looked down, mortified to find that the lower part of her skirt had hitched on to the back of her saddle, exposing her legs all the way from her knees downwards. It must have happened when they were galloping. If it weren’t for her woollen stockings he’d be able to see more than just the outline.

‘You could have told me!’ She wrenched the material down indignantly.

‘I just did. And it wasn’t easy to catch up. Out of practice or not, you’re faster than I am.’

She tossed her head, embarrassment vying with elation. When he smiled like that, she didn’t care how much he saw of her.

‘When are you leaving?’ She dragged her thoughts back on to safer territory.

‘What do you mean?’ His voice sounded edgier suddenly.

‘You said you were going back to the Empress.’

‘Oh...that.’ A muscle twitched in his jaw, small but unmistakable. ‘Not for a while. She doesn’t need me until the spring. You’re stuck with me until then, I’m afraid.’

‘As long as you don’t mind.’

‘Why would I?’

‘No particular reason.’

She tried to keep her expression calm as her heart gave a small leap. He sounded tense, but he didn’t seem particularly upset about being separated from the Empress.

‘Will you tell me what’s happening out there?’ She gestured into the distance. ‘In the rest of England, I mean.’