They turned and smiled in unison, dropping into formal curtsies as she hastened forward.

‘It’s so good to see you again.’ She hugged both of them in turn.

‘You, too, my lady. We’ve been so worried about you.’ Alys, the older and taller of the two, spoke first. ‘Are you all right?’

‘Yes.’ She burst into a smile, vaguely surprised by her own answer. It was true. She was all right. Despite everything that had happened, she really was. It was almost unbelievable when she thought about it. ‘But what are you doing here?’

‘Ulf came to fetch us this morning. He said he was acting on your husband’s orders.’ The two maids exchanged glances. ‘We wish you all happiness, my lady.’

‘Thank you.’ She felt her cheeks turn ruddy. Doubtless they’d been as shocked by the news of her marriage as she’d been herself. ‘Where is Loth—my husband?’

‘Outside, my lady.’

‘I see.’ She tried to adopt a sober expression. ‘In that case, excuse me, but I need to speak with him.’

She fled for the door, her blush deepening as she heard the maids start to chatter behind her. She’d have to get used to that, she supposed, at least until Lothar left again and things could get back to normal.

She scooped up a cloak from the guardroom and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders before stepping outside. The air was cold, but the sky was a bright, forget-me-not-blue dotted with fluffy white clouds. She felt strangely invigorated, as if she were looking at the world in a whole different light. From her vantage point at the top of the keep steps, she could see that the sky wasn’t the only thing to have changed either. All the old inhabitants of the castle seemed to have returned. Farriers, blacksmiths, fletchers, even their children scampering amidst the buildings. It didn’t feel like a fortress any more. It felt like a bustling home again.

‘Good morning, Juliana.’

She looked down towards the sound of Lothar’s voice. She’d been so busy looking around that she hadn’t noticed him approach, but now she found him standing directly below the keep steps, freshly bathed and shaved, and yet somehow even more ruggedly handsome than she remembered.

‘Good morning.’ She gestured around the bailey with a swell of happiness. ‘So this is what you had to arrange?’

‘I thought it was time things got back to normal.’ His expression was guarded, as if he wasn’t sure what her reaction would be. ‘I would have waited to discuss it with you, but I didn’t know how long you’d need to sleep.’

‘It’s a lovely surprise.’ She gave him a heartfelt smile. ‘I feel much better this morning, thank you.’

‘I’m pleased to hear it. Though it might still be best if—’

‘No!’ She threw her hands up in protest. ‘If you tell me to go to bed one more time, I’ll throw the mattress out of the window!’

‘That window?’

He jerked his head up at the small opening and she folded her arms defiantly.

‘I’ll find a way.’

‘I believe you.’ There was a glint of amusement in his eye. ‘As you wish then, my lady. In that case, what would you like to do today?’

‘Today...’ she looked up at the sky and sighed wistfully ‘...I’d like to get out.’


‘Yes. Apart from that day we met on the drawbridge, I haven’t been outside these walls in five months.’

‘Five months?’ He gave a low whistle. ‘I didn’t think of that. I would have run mad.’

‘Perhaps I almost did.’ She started down the steps. ‘But today I’d like to get out, maybe go for a ride...if that’s allowed?’

‘Why wouldn’t it be? You’re in charge, remember?’

She stopped on the second step up so that her face was level to his. ‘Just checking.’

‘Still don’t trust me?’

‘I’m starting to.’