‘We’re surrendering, but Sergeant Lothar has given his word that no one will be harmed.’

‘We can still fight.’ Ulf glared in the direction of the keep. ‘You know we’ll follow your commands to the end, my lady.’

‘I know.’ She put a hand on his arm. ‘And I’m grateful, but if we can surrender peaceably then we ought to do it. I only hope that Stephen understands.’

‘You did your best, my lady. No man could have done better.’

She smiled weakly. ‘You’re a loyal friend, Ulf. Did the guards do as I asked?’

‘Yes, my lady, but I don’t know if it will work. If they do a thorough search...’

‘Then hopefully they’ll see an empty storeroom and move on,’ she forestalled him. ‘I know it’s not the best plan, but it’s all we can do. It’s the safest place for now. Maybe later...’

She faltered. Maybe later what? She didn’t have an answer to that. All she could do now was take things one step at a time and try to keep Haword’s secret for as long as she could.

Ulf grunted, lowering his head like a bull. ‘This is all his fault.’

She looked around to find Lothar already striding back towards them, his stormy temper showing no sign of abating as he fastened his sword belt with a vicious-sounding snap.

‘Lady Juliana.’ His gaze narrowed perceptibly at the sight of her hand on Ulf’s arm. ‘Are you ready?’

‘Yes.’ She pulled her fingers away, reluctant to inflame his temper any further, though it seemed already too late for that.

‘Sergeant.’ Ulf took his sword from its scabbard and tossed it into the dirt. ‘It seems you’re the one disarming me after all.’

‘So it seems.’ Lothar’s pale gaze fastened on the Constable interrogatively. ‘Ulf, wasn’t it?’


‘Do you have any skill with that?’ He nudged the blade with his foot.

‘As much as you, I’ll wager.’

‘Then you must be truly exceptional.’

Juliana held her breath, wondering how best to intervene. The two men were eyeballing each other in a way that made her skin crawl.

‘In that case, you’d better keep it.’ Lothar flicked the blade up with his foot suddenly, catching it in mid-air and tossing the hilt back towards Ulf. ‘Stay with your lady. Do you understand?’

‘Understand what?’ A jolt of surprise turned into a fresh stab of panic. Why would Ulf need to stay with her?

‘Tell them to lower the bridge.’

She dug her heels into the dirt, resenting the order. ‘Not until you tell me why Ulf needs to be armed.’

‘He doesn’t. It’s a precaution.’

‘Against your own men?’

‘Not mine.’

‘Sir Guian’s, then?’

He didn’t answer and she put her hands on her hips angrily. ‘This is my castle, I have a right to know!’

‘It was your castle. Now lower the bridge.’