‘It’s a pre-emptive gesture.’ He grinned. ‘I thought that if I didn’t do it now then I’d only have to come searching for you in the morning.’

She bit her lip at the insinuation. ‘I’ve caused you a lot of problems, haven’t I?’

‘I wouldn’t say that. I just never thought that my life could change so much in one week.’

‘I want you to be happy, too.’ She said the words impulsively. ‘I’ll do my best to make you happy.’

‘Well, in that case...’ He lifted a finger, nudging her gently under the chin. ‘If we’re both trying to make the other happy...what can go wrong?’

What could go wrong? If only he knew.

She averted her gaze, turning back towards the stairwell. ‘We should go. Ario must be waiting.’

‘As you wish.’ He offered her an arm, leading her back down in silence.

‘Not a bad view, eh?’ The Decurion was leaning against the tower wall with his arms folded when they emerged.

‘It’s beautiful.’ She smiled in response.

‘Wait until the weather warms up. Then you can see fish jumping in the river.’


‘It’s on the eastern side. The wall goes right over it. You’ll be able to watch your husband swimming in the summer, though I should warn you, it’s not a pretty sight.’ He guffawed loudly. ‘Though I suppose you know that already.’

‘It’s still better than looking at you.’

Marius gave the other man a hard shove as she felt her cheeks redden, embarrassed and surprised again by the drastic change in her husband’s demeanour. He seemed far more relaxed here than in Coria, ironically given that Ario seemed to take the threat of a rebellion as seriously as he did. The thought was more than a little alarming. Until now, she’d clung to the hope that Marius was overreacting, as Nerva had suggested. Here on the wall there seemed to be a different opinion.

‘Here we are.’ Ario led them into the middle of the fort and up some steps into a small villa. ‘Consider this your new home. We patched up the damage to the walls after the last Caledonian raid, though I’m afraid most of the furniture was destroyed.’

‘But isn’t this your house?’ She looked around in surprise.

‘I live in barracks with my men. Officially this is the Camp Commander’s villa, but with all the commotion in Gaul it’s been empty for years. It’s a bit run-down, but you’re welcome to use it.’

Livia wandered through the villa, exploring every nook and cranny with wide eyes. The atrium led into a corridor with two rooms on either side, beyond which was a small enclosed courtyard with half-a-dozen larger rooms around it. Ario was right—the house showed distinct signs of neglect, with stucco peeling off the walls in places and dust on every visible surface, though there was little enough furniture for it to land on. Still, it was the perfect size for a family such as theirs, even if, she quickly reminded herself, it was only temporary. It was highly unlikely that Julia would ever visit Cilurnum at all, let alone live there, but it still wouldn’t hurt to prepare a room for her, just in case. Somehow it felt like exactly what Ario had just called it, a home. She fell in love with it at once.

‘We don’t have any servants, I’m afraid.’ Ario sounded apologetic when she finally returned to the atrium. ‘We do all our own cooking and cleaning around here, but I can send a few men over to tidy up.’

‘There’s no need.’ She swept off her cloak and rubbed her hands together briskly, eager to get started. ‘In fact, I’d prefer to do it on my own. I’d like to cook, too, if I can get supplies from somewhere?’

‘Cook? If you’re hungry...’

‘Not particularly.’ She laughed at his bemused expression. ‘I just want to cook.’

‘Then I’ll tell the quartermaster to give you whatever you need.’ He turned towards Marius with a raised eyebrow. ‘I thought Roman ladies lay around on couches all day?’

‘Some of them do—’ her husband’s dark eyes regarded her approvingly ‘—just not this one.’

She smiled inwardly at the words. From Julius they would have been an insult. From Marius, they sounded like the most heady of compliments. Not that she wanted him to know how much they’d pleased her, as she put her hands on her hips indignantly.

‘Of course, if you stand there gawping then I’ll find you both jobs to do!’

‘Now that sounds like a wife!’ Ario bellowed with laughter while Marius held up his hands.

‘Then we’ll get out of your way. I’ll be back tonight, but if you need anything...’

‘I’ll find someone. Don’t worry.’ She gave him a genuinely happy smile. ‘I’m going to enjoy myself.’