‘What?’ She jumped to her feet, her expression turning rigid with a look of horror. ‘No! She’s my daughter. She comes with me.’

‘Ordinarily I would agree...’

‘Even Tarquinius didn’t try to separate us!’

‘I’m not trying to separate you, but it would be safer if she stayed here.’

The look of horror receded slightly, replaced by one of understanding. ‘You mean you really think there might be a Caledonian rebellion?’

‘I do. I hope that I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. Given a choice, I wouldn’t risk taking either of you, but I have orders from Nerva. We both have to go. Besides, if you stay here, I wouldn’t put it past Scaevola to try something.’

‘For how long?’

‘A month at the most.’

‘A month?’

‘I know it might seem like a long time...’

‘It is a long time!’ Blue-green eyes flashed and then faded again. ‘I can’t just abandon her here.’

‘You won’t be. Nerva’s already agreed that she can stay with him and Hermenia. They’ll take good care of her.’

She gave him a long, penetrating look. ‘Do you truly think she’ll be safer here with Hermenia?’

‘Yes. For what it’s worth, I don’t think she could have a better protector in the whole Roman army.’

‘Do you promise?’

He held her gaze solemnly. ‘I do.’

‘All right.’ She bit her lip, her gaze drifting towards the door as if her thoughts were already elsewhere. ‘In that case, I need to go and explain to her.’

‘Of course.’ He raised a hand, staying her for a moment. ‘Then perhaps afterwards you’d like to visit the market with me? Both of you, that is.’

‘You want to go shopping?’ She stared at him as if he’d just gone mad.

‘Not for myself, but you need some warmer clothes.’

He gestured vaguely in the direction of her gown, though he kept his gaze fixed on her face. Getting distracted by her body at that moment definitely wasn’t a good idea. Now that they were free to be alone together, their relationship seemed to have shifted, as if they were back at the beginning again with a whole new set of problems. He was separating her from her daughter, for a start. As marriages went, it wasn’t the best of beginnings.

‘Oh.’ She glanced downwards as if she had no idea what she was wearing. ‘But it’s getting warmer, surely?’

‘The seasons here aren’t as predictable as in the south. It can be spring today and winter again tomorrow and the wall is exposed to all the elements. You’ll need a warm cloak and some sturdier boots.’

Her expression wavered uncertainly. ‘I don’t have any money...’

‘But I do and I’d be happy to buy whatever you need.’

‘Very well.’ She gave a strained-looking smile. ‘In that case, we’d be glad to accompany you. Just give me an hour to talk to Julia first.’

‘Take as long as you need.’

‘Thank you.’ She made for the door and then stopped. ‘So the ceremony will be...?’

‘Tonight. Then we’ll leave for Cilurnum first thing in the morning.’

Chapter Thirteen