Nerva made a sceptical expression. ‘Very well, if you’re certain this is what you want?’

He nodded. He was certain.

‘All right, on your head be it. Hermenia made all the wedding arrangements for this evening so the ceremony can still go ahead. In the meantime, I suggest you start packing.’


‘Yes. I’ve told Pulex to take over your duties for the foreseeable future.’

Marius felt a painful lurch in his chest. ‘You’re relieving me of my command?’

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ Nerva picked up his wax tablet again. ‘I’m simply giving you what you’ve wanted these past few weeks, a transfer to the wall. You want to find out what’s going on over there? Well, this is your chance.’

‘Thank you, sir.’ His spirits lifted again. ‘But I don’t understand. Why are you sending me now?’

‘Why?’ Nerva peered at him over the edge of the tablet. ‘Because after the ceremony, I think it’s a good idea for you and your new wife to get out of Coria and as far away from Lucius Scaevola as quickly as possible.’

* * *

Livia was already dressed and eating breakfast with Hermenia, Julia perched on her lap, when Marius entered the triclinium, his earlier elation somewhat muted.

‘Is everything all right?’ She sat bolt upright when she saw him, her face expectant and slightly anxious.

‘It’s all settled. With your permission, we’ll be married tonight.’

‘So soon?’ Her eyes widened a fraction, though other than that he couldn’t judge her response.

‘Would you prefer to delay?’

‘No.’ She hesitated for another moment and then shook her head emphatically. ‘The sooner the better.’


He drew in a breath, wondering how to tell her about his new posting. It was something he ought to have expected, an understandable response from Nerva, though he only hoped Livia would understand that, as well as the rest of what he was about to ask her.

‘Under the circumstances, Nerva thinks it would be best if we left Coria for a while. He’s posting me to Cilurnum, one of the forts along the wall.’

‘Because of Scaevola?’

He nodded. ‘Just until his temper’s cooled and the situation with your brother is resolved. Things might get unpleasant.’

‘Probably.’ Her face clouded at the mention of her brother and then cleared again suddenly. ‘So I’ll get to see the wall after all?’

‘It appears so.’

‘Do you hear that, Julia?’ Her smile widened as she looked down into her daughter’s face and then back up at him. ‘When do we leave?’

He cleared his throat slightly louder than was necessary and threw an imploring look towards Hermenia.

‘Well now—’ the older woman took the cue at once ‘—I think we’ve eaten enough, don’t you, little one? Let’s go and find you something to wear for the ceremony tonight.’

‘What is it? What’s wrong?’ Liv

ia frowned as Julia jumped down from her lap and Hermenia bustled her quickly out of the room.

He cleared his throat a second time. Apparently there was no easy way to say it...

‘It would be better if the child stayed here.’