He saw her shoulders tense and gave a curt smile. ‘I thought you’d be back in your sister’s old room.’

‘You had my clothes sent here.’

‘I assumed you’d need some this morning. I didn’t think you’d stay.’

‘Oh.’ She was silent for a moment. ‘I thought you said we had to pretend?’

‘For the Earl.’ He stretched out, enjoying the obvious embarrassment in her voice. ‘But he’s gone.’

She sprang up at once, swinging her legs off the bed as if she’d just felt a mouse in the mattress. ‘Then I’ll go.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ He threw an arm behind his head. ‘If I send my wife out in the rain the whole castle will hear of it.’

‘Fine.’ She eyed him warily over her shoulder. ‘I’ll stay—but just for tonight.’

He shrugged and she climbed slowly back under the blanket, curling up on the edge of the bed as far away from him as she could get. He felt a twinge of guilt, already regretting his words. He’d been cruel, venting his anger by making her feel she wasn’t welcome when in fact the very opposite was true. He didn’t want her to go. He wanted to stretch out beside her and pull her face close to his...

Damn it, this was intolerable! How could he possibly share a bed with his wife and not touch her?

‘Aediva...’ He stretched a hand out and then thought better of it, shifting his body sideways instead. ‘Move over. I won’t bite. I had your things sent here so that you’d have a choice of clothing. You can move them back whenever you’re ready.’

‘They’re not my things.’ Her voice sounded muffled.

‘I doubt your sister will mind you borrowing them.’

‘Won’t she?’ She rolled over to face him again. ‘What if she doesn’t understand? What if she doesn’t forgive me?’

‘For borrowing her clothes?’

‘For the rest of it! You’re right—I do have some explaining to do. She came home for help and I failed her. I left her alone. I was supposed to take care of her, but I came here instead and married you. This is her land, her castle! I didn’t mean to, but somehow I stole it! What if she doesn’t forgive me?’

‘You were trying to protect her—she’ll understand that. And, as I recall, you didn’t just leave her alone. I almost had to drag you away. Tell her the truth and she’ll forgive you.’

‘You won’t.’


She regarded him sombrely. ‘You said that you understood, but you still won’t forgive me.’

He exhaled slowly. ‘I can forgive you, Aediva. I just can’t forget.’

‘Because I lied? Like Maren?’

‘I don’t trust easily.’

‘So that’s it?’ She pulled herself up angrily. ‘I make one mistake and you hold it against me for ever?’

‘One mistake? I could have lost everything!’

‘But you didn’t! You got your reward.’

‘Do you think that’s all that matters to me?’

‘Isn’t it...?’ Her voice faltered. ‘I thought it was all you wanted.’

‘Not all.’ He felt his resolve weaken. ‘Aediva, why do you think I lied to the Earl?’

‘Because you were being honourable.’