‘That wasn’t what I was suggesting.’ Danr stifled a smile as Hilda started coughing. ‘But now that you mention it...’

‘You do both look tired.’ Joarr came to the rescue, his own eyes bright with amusement. ‘You should probably both go back to bed.’

‘Good idea.’ Danr gave him a swift grin. ‘If you’ll excuse us, Stepmother?’

‘Are we going to mate?’ Sissa asked again as they made their way back through the village and into the hall.

‘Yes!’ He couldn’t stop himself from laughing this time. ‘Although you should probably stop calling it that or Hilda is going to have a fit. Yesterday I wouldn’t have cared, but I’ve made a promise to look after her now.’

‘Oh.’ She looked perplexed. ‘What should I call it instead?’

‘Perhaps we need some kind of secret code.’ He drew her into their private chamber and closed the door firmly behind them. ‘Maybe...’

‘Playing tafl?’

‘Perfect.’ He placed his hands on her hips, leaving not the tiniest sliver of air between them. ‘In that case, when we get back to the forest we’re going to play tafl every night. Repeatedly. At length. In every variation I can think of. When we’re not actually playing tafl, that is.’ He frowned. ‘Actually, this could get confusing. Maybe we should call it—’

‘You talk too much, Norseman.’ She laid a finger against his mouth. ‘You always did.’

‘There’s only one way to shut me up.’

‘I know.’ She replaced her finger with her lips. ‘And I don’t want to hear another word from you for at least an hour...’


Spring, ad 878

‘Danr!’ Sissa stood at the entrance to the cave, waving frantically as he emerged from the trees.

‘What is it? What’s happened?’ He came running at once. ‘I was helping Joarr with one of the roofs and it took longer than I intended. Has it started?’

‘Yes!’ She wrung her hands at the sound of a low howl from within. ‘I don’t know what to do!’

‘She knows what to do, don’t worry. Just be with her.’ Danr glanced over to where Halvar was trotting up and down and whining. ‘In the meantime, I’ll stay with him.’

‘Yes, good.’ She pressed her forehead briefly against his and then hurried back inside the cave, crouching down on her haunches at a far enough distance for Tove to see, but not be disturbed by, her. The female wolf was turning around and writhing in circles, in obvious discomfort though the only sounds she made were occasional whimpers.

The passing minutes were interminable, drifting on into what felt like hours, but eventually there were four cubs, their small pink bodies all nestled against Tove’s side.

‘Four!’ Sissa declared, going back outside, feeling drained but triumphant.

‘Male or female?’ Danr stood up from where he was sitting on a rock.

‘Two of each, as far as I can tell. Their eyes are still closed, but they’re all moving and they look healthy.’

‘Two of each...’ He ran a hand over his chin thoughtfully. ‘Well, Erika and Bersa, obviously.’

‘We’re naming them?’

‘Of course. Are you honestly telling me you haven’t been thinking about names?’ He lifted an eyebrow. ‘One of the males could be Rurik. I’d love to see my brother’s face when I tell him.’

‘All right, and the other can be Frode.’


‘It was my father’s name.’

‘Then Frode it is. If