‘If you’re waiting for me to object, then you’ll be waiting a long time. It sounds perfect.’ He slid a hand over her lower back. ‘I’m sure we can think of a few ways to pass the time and stay warm.’

‘I’m relying on it. If I remember correctly, you told me once that your hands were famous in Maerr. Not to mention your tongue.’

‘And if I remember correctly, you almost stabbed me because of it.’

‘Things have changed. Now I expect you to live up to your reputation.’ She gave him an arch look. ‘When can we go back to the forest?’

‘Tomorrow, if you like. Then it’ll be just you, me and one extremely cosy roundhouse.’ He led her back along the jetty. ‘And a couple of wolves.’

‘You know, when I went back to the clearing after two weeks, Tove and Halvar were both still there. I don’t think they’re going to leave us, after all.’

‘Good.’ Danr smiled at the thought. ‘That makes us a family.’

‘I’d hoped Brandt would stay for longer.’ Hilda gave them a mournful look as they approached.

‘He wants to reach Katanes before winter sets in.’ Danr glanced back over his shoulder to where the longboat was just sailing around the edge of the sea loch. ‘You know it was now or wait until spring.’

‘Did he sleep at all last night? The two of you were up late talking.’

‘Too late.’ Danr yawned. ‘I don’t think he sleeps much any more.’

‘No. I wish there was something I could have said or done to comfort him, but he seems so weighed down with burdens.’

‘Who can blame him after what happened?’ Joarr sounded sombre. ‘He lost the woman he loved as well as his birthright. I hope he finds a way to reclaim his kingdom, but I don’t see how.’

‘I hope so, too.’ Sissa nodded. ‘He needs to find peace again.’

‘If anyone can do it, it’s Brandt. You know he was always as stubborn as an ox.’ Danr glanced slyly at Hilda, trying to lighten the mood. ‘I can’t imagine where he gets it from.’

‘Mmm...’ She gave him a suspicious look. ‘Your father was always pig-headed. And you’re not immune to the fault, Danr Sigurdsson.’

‘True.’ He waited a couple of seconds before adopting a deliberately casual tone. ‘By the way, Brandt asked me to look after you.’

‘What?’ Her eyes widened. ‘But I have Joarr to do that!’

‘None the less...’ Danr shrugged ‘...I promised. Which means from now on, I’ll be like your shadow. Always following. Always watching. Any time you as much as trip or stumble, I’ll be there to catch you...’

‘You will not. As if I need you!’

‘A promise is a promise, Stepmother.’ Danr gave her a wicked grin, eliciting a weary groan from Joarr.

‘Is this what we have to look forward to, the two of you bickering constantly? Because if it is then we should build two villages. As far away from each other as possible.’

‘We’re not bickering.’ To Danr’s amazement, Hilda gave him what looked like a conspiratorial smile. ‘We’re enjoying ourselves.’

‘Stars help me.’

‘Don’t worry.’ Danr slipped his hand into Sissa’s. ‘We’re going back to the forest for the winter anyway. You won’t have to put up with me for a while, but if you do need me...’ He paused, hardly able to believe he was actually saying the words. ‘You know where to find me.’

‘Thank you.’ Hilda looked as surprised as he felt. ‘Well, then, when do you intend to leave?’


‘Tomorrow? In that case we should start making plans for the village today. I want to visit this site you’ve found and Knut’s already promised to help us. Now, we’ll need several longhouses, a blacksmith’s, a drying hut, stables, a palisade, naturally—’

‘Later.’ Danr protested before she got carried away. ‘I’m too tired to discuss anything sensibly. Right now, I’m going back to bed. Brandt may be able to survive with no sleep, but I can’t.’ He tugged on Sissa’s hand. ‘Come on.’

‘Do you want to mate again?’ She looked at him curiously. ‘After this morning?’