‘I can’t promise anything.’ Brandt’s expression hardened. Danr had the distinct impression that his mind was already elsewhere, travelling ahead of him to Alba, seeking out ways to gain justice for Ingrid. ‘But I’ll try.’

‘Are you absolutely certain about this? I still don’t like you going alone. If you need me...’

‘I know, I know, send for you and you’ll come. You’ve told me a hundred times already, but I’m glad to hear it. I might have spent most of our lives telling you to be quiet, but I missed your voice when it was gone. It’s good have the old Danr back again.’

‘Not quite the old Danr.’

‘A better version, then.’ The hardness in Brandt’s face softened slightly, an almost-smile hovering about his lips. ‘And if ever a...mate could keep a man on the straight and narrow, I think you’ve found her. She suits you well, Brother.’

‘I know.’ Danr grinned. ‘I think I suit her, too. Trust me, I won’t be wandering away anywhere.’

‘I’m glad to hear it.’ Brandt inclined his head as Sissa walked along the jetty towards them. ‘I’d tell him to take care of you, but I don’t suppose I need to, just as long as you keep out of ruins from now on.’

‘We’ll take care of each other.’ She smiled between the two of them.

‘That’s as it should be. You both need to look to the future now. Leave the past to me.’

‘Brandt...’ Danr felt a lump swell in his throat.

‘No more talk.’ Brandt’s own voice sounded suspiciously tight. ‘I’ve forgiven you and I’ve told you to be happy. That’s a demand, not a request. Remember that, no matter what happens to me.’

‘Thank you, Brother.’

‘And do one more thing for me?’


Brandt glanced towards the end of the jetty, where Hilda was standing beside Joarr. ‘Look after my mother. From a safe distance, obviously.’

‘Are the two of you reconciled?’

‘In a manner of speaking. We talked and I wished her and Joarr well. At least we know he’ll treat her better than Father ever did.’

‘That won’t be hard.’

‘No, but this island might not be big enough for the pair of you either. Try not to tear each other’s throats out.’

‘I’ll make sure of it.’ Sissa poked Danr in the ribs.

‘I’ll do my best.’ He laughed. ‘Safe travels, Brother.’

They embraced one last time before Brandt lifted a hand to Hilda and clambered over the side of the longship.

‘Well, then...’ Sissa curled an arm around Danr’s waist, tipping her head against his shoulder as a dozen oars dipped into the water and the longboat pulled slowly away. ‘Shall we do what he said?’

‘You mean get on with our lives and be happy? That sounds like a good idea to me.’ He raised her other hand to his lips, pressing a kiss against the knuckles. ‘It’s you and me now. Whatever we do, wherever we go, from now on we do it together.’

‘Together.’ She snuggled closer and then looked up at him quizzically. ‘Why didn’t you tell him about our plans for the new village?’

‘Tell him I’m planning to live in the same place as Hilda?’ Danr snorted. ‘I’d never live it down. He’d never believe it could work either. I’m not even sure it can work.’ He shook his head. ‘I must be mad, but then I always thought love was a kind of madness.’

‘And now?’

‘Now I know it is, but I also know it’s worth


‘We won’t be building anything until the spring anyway.’ She squeezed his waist. ‘That means we have the whole winter ahead with just the two of us. We could be stranded in the forest for months.’