Sissa looked around as Knut came towards her. She was standing just outside the hall, close enough to be able to hear raised voices inside if there were any. To her relief, however, there weren’t. ‘Yes.’

‘Your name is Sissa?’


‘You’re Norse?’


‘And all this time, all these years, you could talk?’


‘Then why didn’t you speak to us?’

He sounded bewildered, though his expression was kind. He would probably have forced Joarr to release her, she thought, if Danr hadn’t got there first. And now that he knew she could speak, she might as well tell him the truth.

‘Because I come from the other side of the island, from the burnt village.’

‘But that was destroyed years ago, before we came here.’

‘Yes. I was the only survivor.’

‘Moon’s eye.’ He rubbed a hand over his jaw. ‘I’m sorry. If I’d known...’

‘I didn’t want to be near people, warriors especially.’

He nodded as if that made sense. ‘Those outlaws struck in several places. Half-a-dozen villages on the islands were destroyed before they were hunted down and captured.’

‘They were captured?’ She felt as though her heart had just stopped for a moment.

‘And punished.’ He nodded sombrely. ‘Nothing like that has happened since.’

‘Good.’ She swallowed. ‘I’m glad.’

‘I’m sorry for what happened, but I promise that no one here will ever harm you or let harm come to you again. If you wish to stay and be our healer, we’ll give you a house. You’ll be respected and looked after.’

‘No.’ She shook her head. ‘I live alone. Nothing has to change.’

‘I understand if that’s what you wish.’

There was a heavy silence before Knut turned his head, a look of relief crossing his face at the sight of Danr emerging from the hall. ‘So what now for you, Danr Sigurdsson?’

‘Now I need to go to Eireann. I need to tell my brothers what I’ve discovered.’

‘So late in the year? The crossing will be rough.’

‘It’s not so far, but even if it were I’d still have to risk it. Brandt needs to know about Kolga and Thorfinn.’

‘Then I’ll lend you a boat and some of my men will accompany you.’ Knut looked awkwardly between them. ‘I’ll go and make preparations now.’

‘Thank you.’ Danr waited until he’d gone before turning towards her, his brow creased with concern. ‘Are you sure you’re all right after what happened? You weren’t mistreated in any way?’

‘No. I hit my head and I was bound, but I’m not injured.’

His gaze hardened. ‘None of that should have happened. I’m sorry for involving you in all this.’

‘You didn’t. It was my choice to involve myself.’