‘I know.’ Sissa rolled her legs over the side of the bed with an effort. ‘But we need to talk—and we need to hurry.’

‘I should summon Knut...’ Hilda glanced towards the doorway uncertainly.

‘Why? He’s not the one who wants to kill Danr. That’s Joarr, but you don’t want them to fight either, do you?’

‘No.’ Hilda put her hands over her cheeks and shook her head. ‘Joarr thinks he can win, but Danr’s a fearsome warrior even with an injured arm and I know he spared him the last time. I saw him hesitate. He won’t do that again, especially if he’s come to rescue you.’

‘Danr spared Joarr?’ Sissa felt her spirits lift. He hadn’t told her that.

‘Yes. There was a moment when he could have killed him, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to. I could see it in his eyes.’ Hilda paused and frowned. ‘Danr hates me, but he and Joarr were close once.’

‘Good. Now tell me the truth and quickly. Did you order your husband’s murder?’

‘What? No!’ Even from the across the room, Sissa could see the blaze of anger in the other woman’s eyes. ‘A hundred times, no!’

‘I didn’t think so.’ Sissa lifted her legs and jerked her head towards them. ‘Now untie me and we can stop them from killing each other.’


‘Let me speak to Danr. I’ll tell him you’re innocent. He was halfway to believing it already. He was getting ready to come here under a branch of peace.’

‘He was?’ Hilda blinked. ‘But what does that matter now? After what Joarr’s done to you, he won’t care. He’ll fight just to avenge the insult.’

‘I’ll convince him there’s no need for bloodshed.’

‘I don’t think so.’ Hilda’s expression turned faintly pitying. ‘I’ve known Danr all his life. He’s good at convincing women to do things for him, but just because he’s seduced you doesn’t mean that he cares or that he’ll listen to you. He’s only been using you like all the rest of his women.’

‘You’re wrong.’ Sissa lifted her feet higher impatiently. ‘He’s not the man he used to be and I’m nothing like the rest of his women. I know he’ll listen. Now, untie me. It’s the only way.’

‘How do I know this isn’t a trick?’ Hilda took a few cautious steps forward. ‘They told me you’re dangerous.’

‘They also told you I couldn’t talk. Do I look dangerous to you?’

‘Not at the moment.’

‘Exactly! Look, my name’s Sissa, I’ve absolutely no power over the weather and we’re wasting time and energy. Somebody could be dead by the time you decide what to do.’

‘Do you promise not to hurt me?’

‘Only if you hurry.’

‘All right.’ Hilda crouched down and pulled at the bindings. ‘But I know Danr and he won’t listen.’

‘I know Danr better and he will.’ Sissa stood up and flexed her muscles. ‘Or I’ll fight him myself.’

* * *

Danr walked undisturbed through the open gates of the village. After donning his mail and weapons he’d stood for a few moments with Tove and Halvar beside the fire pit, reining in the feelings of dread and anger and trying to think clearly. The time when he might have gone to the village under a branch of peace had passed. Joarr’s actions weren’t those of a man who wanted peace. They were a deliberate insult, a declaration of war. They left him no option about what to do next. It wouldn’t get him the answers he’d come for or fulfil his oath either, but at that moment he didn’t care. All he cared about was rescuing Sissa and returning her back to the forest again.

He found Joarr standing outside the great hall as he approached, sword already in hand. A red-haired and stern-looking man, most likely his kinsman Knut, stood beside him, while warriors were lined up around the walls of the surrounding buildings, though their weapons were all sheathed. At least the fight would be honourable then...

‘How’s the arm?’ Joarr called out when he saw him.

Danr didn’t answer, coming to a halt a few feet away instead. ‘Do you have her?’

‘Your woman? I do.’

‘She’s not my woman. She’s her own. And if you’ve laid as much as a finger on her...’