‘And for being ungrateful.’

‘I’m not—’

‘Seeing as my plan worked.’

‘I’ll admit I overreacted, if you promise not to go anywhere near Joarr again.’

‘I’ve no intention of going near him. Why would I?’

‘And that you never trick me like that again, not for any reason.’

‘I already told you, it wasn’t like that. I was trying to help you.’

‘That’s it!’ He took three long strides and closed his arms around her.

‘What are y—?’ She didn’t finish the question, her voice muffled as he covered her mouth with his own. Instinctively, she jerked backwards, but he clasped a hand around the back of her neck, holding her in place as he kissed her with a hard, ardent fervour. For a moment she didn’t respond, too surprised to do anything, then she opened her lips and let his tongue slip inside. It felt good to feel his mouth against hers again, to feel the warmth of his body through his tunic, too, inviting her to press even closer... She leaned into him, spreading her hands over his shoulder blades while his other hand slid over her lower back, pressing her tight against him.

But they were arguing, weren’t they? a voice in the back of her head reminded her. He’d already made her care too much about him and now he was trying to tell her what she could and couldn’t do...

‘No!’ She moved her hands to his chest, pushing him away. ‘I was content before you came along! I was surviving. You can’t just come here and refuse to leave and talk too much and...steal my wolf!’ She flung an arm out towards Halvar. ‘You can’t say you’ve made some kind of vow about women and still kiss me! You can’t tell me how to live either!’

‘I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—’

‘You need to go.’ She balled her hands into fists. ‘I found out what you wanted. Hilda’s innocent.’


‘She didn’t have anything to do with your massacre, I’m sure of it. So you don’t have to fight anyone. You can just go and ask your questions and then leave.’

His face hardened again. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’


‘I’m not leaving you here on your own. It’s not safe. You need protection.’

‘I’ve managed perfectly well on my own for years!’

‘That doesn’t mean you’re indestructible. Even aside from the weather, it only takes one man to not be frightened of you, to come and find you...’

‘To get past Tove and Halvar?’

‘Even wolves can’t fight swords. And they don’t live for ever either. You’re too vulnerable here.’

‘That’s my choice!’ She glared at him angrily. Asking her if he could stay was one thing—telling her was something else entirely! ‘I never agreed that you could come back here, let alone stay. And what about your oath? You said it was more important to you than your own life. How are you going to fulfil it if you don’t get the answers you came for?’

‘I don’t know.’ He pushed his hands through his hair. ‘All I know is that you’re more important now. More than my oath, more than my life even. Sissa...’ He reached for her again. ‘I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you. I was terrified today. I love you.’

She jumped away from him, feeling a cold sweat break out on her neck. The words ought to have been precious. Once upon a time they were ones she’d longed to hear, but that girl was long gone and all she could feel now was a rising tide of panic. He loved her and she loved him, only she hadn’t let herself acknowledge it until now. That was the real reason she’d gone to the village, because she’d been so scared of losing him, another person she loved.

I didn’t want to lose you. Those were the words she’d been going to say before, but it was all too much, too quickly. She wasn’t ready to hear him say he loved her—or to think it herself yet. But it was too late to unthink it and the realisation was terrifying. Despite all her efforts to protect her heart, he’d already found a place there. It made her even more vulnerable than he’d just said and she couldn’t bear the thought of being vulnerable again. Which meant that her only option was to send him away and tell him not to come back—not when his oath was fulfilled, not ever. She had to get her life back to the way it had been before he’d arrived and become invulnerable again.

‘Sissa...’ He was still looking at her. ‘Did you hear what I said? I love you.’

‘Kolga.’ She swallowed, amazed by how calm her voice sounded when she felt as if she’d just been shaken to her core.

‘What?’ He stared at her, his expression frozen.

‘I heard your stepmother whisper it to Joarr when she saw the pendants. Who’s Kolga?’