He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Unlike their previous kisses, it was chaste and light and so brief that it seemed to come and go in a moment, yet somehow felt more powerful than all the others combined. She put her hands on his shoulders, her mind and body in turmoil, trying to unravel the tangle of her thoughts. Could she allow him to come back? Could she risk a second chance at happiness?

‘I don’t know. I need to think.’ Her voice was still strangely high-pitched. ‘We should get some rest.’

‘Good idea.’ There was a waver in his voice, too. ‘Your bed awaits.’

She looked towards the pile of ferns he’d gathered earlier. ‘That’s for me?’

‘Of course. Do you think I made it for myself?’ He laid his cloak over the top. ‘Now come here and let me tuck you in.’

She did as he instructed, sitting down cautiously and then stretching out on top of his cloak. ‘It’s quite comfortable.’

‘Good.’ He took the edges of the cloak and wrapped them around her. ‘Warm enough?’


‘No twigs in unfortunate places?’

She laughed. ‘None, but what about you? You’ll get cold without your cloak.’

‘I have a blanket in my pack.’ He shrugged. ‘It’s not that cold.’

‘As long as you’re sure...’ She sighed.

‘I’m sure. I might not know much about shelters, but beds are my specialty.’ He bent down, cupping her cheek in his hand and gazing into her face so intently that for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her again. She held her breath, unsure whether she wanted him to or not, but then his lips brushed her forehead and he turned away. ‘Goodnight, Sissa.’


She watched him lie down by the fireside. Could she allow him to come back? It felt too risky somehow, yet it wasn’t so much of a risk, surely? He wasn’t asking her to love him, or saying that he loved her either, and she had no intention of opening her own heart again—not yet anyway. All he was asking for was permission to come back. Could she give it to him?

* * *

‘Good morning, sleepyhead.’ Danr buckled his sword belt around his waist, watching appreciatively as Sissa sat up and pushed aside the curtain of tangles over her face. ‘How do you make your hair so wild just by sleeping on it? I might have to comb it again. Sleep well?’

‘Very well.’ She stretched her arms out to the sides. ‘Your bed was very comfortable.’

‘Good.’ He forced himself to look away although he could have spent several minutes just standing, watching her. Last night had been the first time in his life that he’d tucked a woman into bed and simply wished her goodnight. He’d never kissed or been kissed so chastely either, at least not since his mother, yet he’d meant it with every fibre of his being.

‘It really is beautiful here.’ He put his hands on his hips and looked out at the sea and the isle of Alba beyond. ‘It’s a shame to leave.’

He meant that, too. All in all, it really did feel like a shame to leave. He felt more refreshed than he had for a long time. Their conversation the previous evening had given him hope for the future. If he wasn’t a lost cause then maybe there was a future for him, after all...with her. He’d never thought of himself as the kind of man who could settle down with one woman, but with Sissa the idea was actually appealing. More than that, it was what he wanted. What would his brothers think if they could see him now? he wondered, grinning like some besotted youth. They wouldn’t believe it. He almost couldn’t believe it. It had all happened so quickly, but he knew his feelings were true. The bright light of day had brought clarity to his thoughts, allowing him to finally see a way forward. He couldn’t tell her he loved her yet, not while he still had an oath to fulfil, but he would and soon. He’d finally found the place where he belonged. Once he’d confronted Hilda and earned his brothers’ forgiveness, then he could be her mate in truth, if she’d have him.

Would she have him? She hadn’t given him permission to come back, but she hadn’t refused him either. That gave him hope and if there was one thing he’d always been good at, it was persuading women to do things. He had a feeling that Sissa was going to be a greater challenge than all the rest put together, but he was determined.

He rolled his shoulders, seized with a sense of purpose and resolve. He was going to fulfil his oath, then he was going to come back, tell the woman he loved how he felt and persuade her to let him stay.

‘Come on.’ He tossed her a flask. ‘We can eat on the way.’

She looked up in surprise. ‘I thought you just said it was a shame to leave?’

‘It is, but we have an island to cross and I have a stepmother to speak to.’

‘Now? What about your arm?’

‘If I can hold you over the edge of a mountain, then my arm is recovered enough to fight.’

‘Fight?’ Surprise turned to alarm.

‘Only if I have to, but hopefully it won’t come to that. I’ve decided to do what you said and take a branch of peace to the village.’