‘She might hold you prisoner until you do tell her.’

‘The people in the village won’t let h

er. They value my help and they’re frightened of me, remember? They’ll be afraid I might summon a storm in revenge.’

‘There’s still Joarr. He didn’t look very frightened of you yesterday.’

‘No...’ Her face clouded slightly. ‘But he won’t be able to go against the wishes of his kinsman, no matter what he wants to do with me. Trust me, Danr.’

‘It’s not a matter of trust. It’s about your safety. I don’t want you going anywhere near either of them.’

She wrenched her hand away. ‘Why not?’

‘Because this is my task, not yours.’

‘I’m offering to help you.’

‘I don’t want help.’

‘But you need it.’

‘Sissa...’ He took another step towards her. ‘I’m grateful for the offer, but I don’t want you taking any risks, especially for me.’

‘I won’t—’

‘No!’ He spoke in a tone of command. ‘I won’t change my mind about this. You just said that you’re safe in the forest because people leave you alone. Well, if you get tangled up in my mess then they might not leave you alone any more. I won’t ruin your life. You’ve already done enough for me. I don’t deserve any more.’

‘You deserve justice, if you can get it.’ She folded her arms, her expression stubborn. ‘And you need a better plan than holding a sword to your stepmother’s throat and hoping she confesses.’

‘I know.’

‘And you haven’t thought of one...’

‘Not yet.’

‘So you have to admit that my plan is a good one...’

‘That’s not the point. I’ll think of something else.’

‘All right.’ She let out an exasperated-sounding sigh. ‘I won’t go.’

Danr watched as she turned and walked away. She was right, it was a good plan, only there was no way in hell he was going to let her go through with it. He didn’t want any more lives on his conscience, especially not hers. His chest constricted with a painful tightness just at the thought. If anything were to happen to her, he didn’t know what he’d do...

He took a deep breath, trying to control the feeling. A few shafts of evening sunlight had broken through the clouds, bathing the scene in an orange-gold glow. Sissa was just ahead of him, looking so slender and vulnerable, walking amidst the ruins of her former home, yet she’d proven herself stronger and tougher than most warriors he’d known. He doubted many of them could have survived in the wild on their own for so long. Or had the strength of mind to bear it either. He didn’t think he would have been able to. Whereas she... He felt a rush of tenderness. She was independent, indomitable and invincible, with a spine made of finely tempered steel and a pair of grey eyes that seemed to penetrate through to his very core. Looking at her now, she struck him as the most beautiful, desirable woman he’d ever laid eyes on. How could he not have seen that at the start? He desired her in a way he’d never desired anyone before and not just because it had been so long since he’d lain with a woman, but because his heart wanted her, too. Unworthy as he was, he wanted to be with her as much as he wanted to bed her. Because he loved her. He’d never expected to feel the emotion, had always distrusted it, but now that he did, it made him feel clean inside somehow, exhilarated even, as if he could be worthy of her some day. He was in love with her.

And he’d sworn an oath that meant he had to leave as soon as he was able...

He clenched his jaw and shifted his attention to their surroundings. The outline of the half-destroyed village was mostly hidden by brambles and nettles, but the positions of the old houses were still clear if you knew how to look.

‘It’s a good site for a village.’ He came to stand beside Sissa. She was on the edge of the shore, looking out at the waves. The sea and sky were almost the same colour now, a darkening slate-blue. If it hadn’t been for the hills of the mainland in the distance they might both have merged into one.

‘It is...’ she twisted to look at him ‘...but people are afraid to come here. Even the Gaels think it’s haunted.’

He nodded with understanding. He couldn’t blame anyone for that. He’d never felt the same about Maerr after the massacre. ‘Don’t you?’

‘No, but if it were then I don’t believe the ghosts of my family would ever hurt me.’ She heaved a sigh. ‘But I wouldn’t want anyone to build here either.’

‘Over there, then.’ He pointed further along the shore to where the land rose up to a plateau. ‘That would be a good site.’