His eyes flashed accusingly. ‘Are you on her side now?’

‘No, but those are the family rooms. Maybe we ought to be using them.’

‘We should be allowed to sleep wherever we want. It’s our house!’

Despite his temper, she felt a warm glow at the words. Our house. Somehow she’d always thought of herself as a guest even in her father’s house, somebody who was tolerated under sufferance, and yet Lance seemed more than willing to share his home. All except for the family quarters.

‘Why don’t you want to use those rooms?’ She remembered his tense reaction that first day when she’d suggested looking at the maze from Arthur’s window. It had seemed strange at the time.

‘They’re family rooms. I’m not part of a family any more.’ His voice sounded strained.

‘You mean it’s too upsetting?’

He gave a small nod and then sighed. ‘I mean I don’t have the courage to face it.’

‘Then maybe it’s time.’ She made the suggestion as gently as she could. ‘We’ll go t

ogether, if you like. You came with me to my father’s house today.’

She reached out a hand before she could think to stop herself, but to her surprise, he took it.

‘As I recall, it only ruined your morning.’

‘Not completely.’ She swallowed, trying to keep her mind on the subject. She’d never touched his hand without gloves before and his fingers felt warm and strong, sending a vivid tingling sensation up her arm and all through her body before it pooled in her stomach. ‘I won’t deny that it was difficult at the time, but it helped me, too. I’d like to repay the favour.’

‘Very well. Since I made you do it...’ He tightened his grip slightly, his eyes darkening as he stared across at her. ‘You do realise that Mrs Gargrave expects us to share a bed tonight?’

‘Yes.’ She dropped her gaze, struck with the uncomfortable impression that he could see straight into her mind. Their hands were still joined, his fingers interlaced with hers, making her skin feel red-hot suddenly.

‘Then again, I don’t suppose she’ll be peering in at the keyhole. Now there’s an unpleasant thought.’ He gave an exaggerated shudder. ‘All right, I’ll let her win this time. Back to the family rooms it is, but don’t get used to it. You won’t have time.’

‘What do you mean?’ Violet looked up again in alarm, but he was smiling.

‘It means that I thought you might enjoy a honeymoon.’

‘We’re going on honeymoon?’

‘No. You are. I’m afraid I have work to do, and besides, I thought you might enjoy it more with your friend Mrs Felstone. I spoke to her perfect husband about it after the wedding.’

‘Is that what the two of you had your heads pressed together about? It all looked very secretive.’

‘It was. I thought I’d have more success speaking with him than his wife. Somehow I doubted she’d appreciate the offer coming from me. I suggested Scotland for six weeks, but he refused to be parted from her for so long. We compromised on a month, providing she agrees, of course. The weather’s positively summery now.’

‘Scotland? But that’s wonderful!’ Violet tore her fingers away from his to clasp her hands together. It was wonderful, even if she felt torn between excitement and disappointment that he wasn’t the one going with her. ‘When do we leave?’

‘Tomorrow morning.’

‘So soon?’ Her stomach plummeted. Less than a day after their marriage... She couldn’t help but feel a little hurt. Clearly he had no feelings for her at all if he was happy to send her away so soon.

He leaned forward suddenly, capturing both of her hands this time, just as he’d done on the promenade earlier. ‘I know you’re eager for a taste of freedom, Violet. I know what that feels like, too. I would have sent you off today except that it might have raised some questions over the legitimacy of our marriage.’

‘Oh.’ She felt her cheeks redden at the insinuation. ‘Yes, of course.’

‘But after I’ve had my wicked way with you tonight, theoretically of course, you’re free to run away wherever and whenever you choose. I believe that those were the terms we agreed on. My only condition is that Martin accompanies you.’

‘Martin?’ She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. ‘To keep an eye on me?’

‘To make sure you don’t run away with any Highlanders, naturally, but for your own safety as well. He’s a useful man to have around.’