‘It wasn’t your fault.’ Ianthe took a step back and glared daggers at Lance. ‘You didn’t intend for any of this to happen.’

‘No, but...’ She looked between the two of them, wondering how to ease the atmosphere of tension. Ianthe looked as if she wanted to throw Lance out on to the street. Nine out of ten men would have quailed and fled from such a virulent glare, but he only bent his head courteously.

‘Mrs Felstone, I presume?’

‘You presume correctly.’

‘Then I’m honoured to meet such a good friend of Violet’s.’

‘Indeed?’ Ianthe’s voice was clipped with anger. ‘Then I’m sorry to inform you that the feeling’s not mutual.’

‘Captain Amberton?’

Ianthe’s husband, Robert, emerged from the drawing room at that moment, and Violet felt a surge of relief. At least he sounded civil. Not that she could blame her friend for being protective, but there was so much to explain...

‘Mr Felstone.’ Lance took the other man’s proffered hand with a smile. ‘I’m glad to meet you again under better circumstances.’

‘So am I.’ Robert turned to face Violet with a serious expression. ‘I hope you can forgive me for what I did. It wasn’t my wish to betray you.’

‘I know.’ She smiled reassuringly, too grateful at that moment to do otherwise. ‘You were trying to help.’

‘I was. And believe me, I’ve been reprimanded enough.’

‘Oh!’ She threw a quick glance towards her friend. ‘I hope I haven’t caused any trouble.’

‘No more than he deserved.’ Ianthe seized hold of her arm, throwing one last venomous look towards Lance before dragging her off to one side.

‘It’s all right.’ Violet threw an apologetic look over her shoulder. ‘He’s not as bad as I feared.’

‘So you said in your letter, but are you certain?’ Ianthe spoke in a fierce whisper. ‘You don’t have to go through with this. Robert and I have been talking and you’re welcome to—’

‘No! I know what you’re going to say and, no. I don’t want to live on your charity, although I do appreciate the offer.’

‘But marriage is such a big step.’

‘It is, but I know what I’m doing. This is my decision, not my father’s, and I was wrong about Lance. He wasn’t mocking me that first time we met at the ball and he isn’t a reprobate, at least not any more. In any case, we’ve come to our own agreement.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Just that we’re adapting our fathers’ plans to suit us. Half of my inheritance will go towards the new ironworks. The other half is for me to keep and do whatever I want with.’

Ianthe looked dubious. ‘Do you trust him?’

‘Yes.’ Violet surprised herself with the readiness of her answer. ‘He’s been a perfect gentleman most of the time.’

‘Most of the time?’

She gave an evasive shrug. She had the distinct feeling that mentioning her imprisonment in a freezing cold tower wouldn’t help Lance’s cause.

‘People aren’t always who we think they are.’

‘True.’ Ianthe threw a quick glance in Robert’s direction. ‘All right, if you’re certain, then I’ll support you.’

‘Thank you.’ Violet hugged her again. ‘Besides, if it doesn’t work out, then I can always run away again.’

‘Don’t joke. You’ll be trapped up there on the Moors with him.’

‘I was trapped here before with my father, but this marriage won’t be a prison, you’ll see.’