‘It was specially commissioned.’

‘What’s in the centre?’

‘Can’t you guess?’


nother rose?’

‘Something a bit more Arthurian.’

‘A stone?’ She clapped her hands when he nodded, her face shining with a look of pure delight. ‘With a sword in it?’

He smiled, admiring the glow. ‘I think you would have got along with my mother, Miss Harper.’


‘Violet,’ he repeated, but she was already looking away from him, staring out of the window as if her life depended on it. There were two spots of colour high up on her cheekbones, he noticed, as well as a small tick at the base of her throat, a nerve fluttering lightly beneath the skin, as if she weren’t quite as immune to his proximity as the rest of her behaviour suggested.

He felt a sudden impulse to reach out and stroke his fingers down the smooth line of her neck. What would an ice maiden feel like? he wondered. Would her skin feel warm? Would she melt in his arms? The idea made both his chest and groin tighten uncomfortably. Strange how intensely aware he was of her small body standing across from him. He could hardly have been any more aware if they’d actually been touching.

‘Violet.’ He said her name again, hearing the trace of huskiness in his own voice. ‘I can’t alter the terms of your father’s will, but I can make them more bearable.’

She seemed to sway slightly towards him. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean that if you marry me, then I’ll give you your freedom. I want your father’s money, that’s true, but not at any cost. I understand your objections to me, but I’d rather not see you destitute because of them. Our fathers have left us in this bizarre situation for better or worse, so to speak, but it seems to me that we can help each other. We can abide by their agreement on our own terms. You can live however you want and go wherever you want. I’ll do everything I can to make you happy. We’ll share the money equally.’

‘You’d give me half?’

‘Why not? He was your father and I presume there are other old walls you’d like to visit. I believe Chester has some.’

‘So I’d be able to travel?’

‘Of course, if that’s what you want.’

She half turned her head, though she still didn’t look at him. ‘How do I know if I can trust you?’

‘You have my word as a gentleman, for what it’s worth.’

‘I’ll need to think about it.’

‘Take as much time as you need.’ He grimaced. ‘As long as it’s no more than a week. I’m afraid that’s when the terms of your father’s will expire.’

‘And then we’d both lose the money.’ She sounded thoughtful. ‘What if the snow doesn’t clear before then? We might not be able to get back to Whitby to be married.’

‘Then we’ll marry in the village. Your father didn’t specify a venue.’

‘And if I still don’t want to?’

‘Then I’ll take you home personally with no hard feelings. We can still salvage your reputation.’

This time she looked straight at him. ‘I thought it was already too late for that?’

‘You’re fortunate enough to be under the same roof as Mrs Gargrave. She’s a staunch defender of the family reputation, not to mention her own. The poor woman has her hands full with the task, but she’ll vouch for you if I suffer one of her interminable lectures first. Think of her as your chaperon.’

To his surprise, she actually smiled at the suggestion. ‘All right. Then I’ll stay for the week and think about it.’

‘Thank you.’ He felt as if a heavy weight were being lifted. ‘In that case, I hope you’ve forgiven me for last night?’