‘Yes, but he has the money to do it.’

‘Only thanks to you.’

‘True, but at least he’d be putting it to good use.’

‘I don’t know. A divorce would cause even more scandal. What if he decides it’s easier to lock you up in a dungeon for the rest of your life?’

‘I’m not sure he owns a castle, let alone a dungeon.’

‘You said he’s an aristocrat, didn’t you? They all have crumbling old castles hidden away on their estates. If you let him know where you are, then you could just be trading your uncle’s imprisonment for his. At least here you’re free.’

‘I know, but I think it’s a risk I have to take. I can’t spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. Besides, he’ll want an heir and he won’t want one with a woman who’s behaved the way I have. And he seemed reasonable.’

‘Mmm.’ Nancy still sounded uncertain. ‘Well, I suppose I’ll just have to rescue you if he does lock you up. Anna and Henrietta can probably persuade Samuel and Sebastian to help, too.’

‘Thank you. It’s reassuring to know I have friends.’

‘What will you say in your letter?’

‘That I accept all the blame and that I don’t expect any money.’

‘That’s not fair!’ Nancy smacked her hand on the table. ‘First you spend years being bullied by your uncle and aunt and now you have to just give away your parents’ fortune to some husband you don’t even know!’

‘But at least I’ll still have you.’

Nancy snorted. ‘I may be a good friend, but even I’m not worth sixty thousand pounds.’

‘I disagree. A true friend is worth several fortunes. I’ve had a lot of time to think since I came here and I’ve made up my mind. This is just the price I have to pay to be free.’ She nodded her head emphatically. ‘I’ll write to him tomorrow.’

‘Fine.’ Nancy let out a heavy sigh. ‘Who is he, by the way? You haven’t told me his name.’

‘Oh...no, I didn’t.’ Beatrix paused. ‘This is the part you might need to sit down for.’

‘I’m already sitting.’

‘Yes...’ She gave a tight smile. ‘Well... You see, the thing is his name is Roxbury. Quinton Roxbury.’

‘Just Quinton Roxbury? No sir or my lord?’

‘Your Grace, actually.’ She took a deep breath, admitting the truth in a rush. ‘Quinton Roxbury, Twelfth Duke of Howden.’

It was funny,

Beatrix thought, rummaging in a drawer for some smelling salts a few minutes later, but Nancy was the last person she would ever have expected to faint...

* * *

If you enjoyed this story, be sure to

read the first book in Jenni Fletcher’s

Regency Belles of Bath miniseries

An Unconventional Countess

And whilst you’re waiting for the next book,

why not check out her other great reads