‘Naturally.’ He lowered his mouth towards hers. ‘Don’t I always?’

‘Oh!’ She gave a start a split second before their lips touched.

‘What?’ His head spun towards the door. ‘What’s the matter?’

‘I can hear music!’

‘And?’ He blinked. ‘Is that bad?’

‘It could be. Your mother said this was going to be an evening party, but I never thought... What if there’s dancing?’

‘Does it matter?’

‘Yes! I don’t know any steps. I’ve never danced before, not properly. I’m not a lady!’

‘As it happens, I don’t know any either. And I’m not a gentleman, as I believe I’ve mentioned a couple of times.’

‘But people will be watching us!’

‘Then we’ll make the steps up as we go along...’ He rubbed his thumbs tenderly across her cheekbones. ‘That approach seems to have worked pretty well for us so far, don’t you think?’

‘You’re right.’ She thought about that for a few moments and then laughed, her heart swelling at the thought. ‘I suppose it has.’

‘Now about that kiss...?’

‘No time.’ She twisted away, reaching for his hand and dragging him towards the door.


‘Your family are waiting.’

He shook his head with a mocking sigh. ‘Is this what I gave up my freedom for? Not even a single kiss?’

She stopped at the door, blowing a kiss over her shoulder. ‘You can’t say I didn’t warn you. You’re mine now, Sebastian Fortini, and I intend to keep you.’


Bath—January 1807

‘What did he want?’ a belligerent voice called from the kitchen as Beatrix Roxbury—more familiarly known to the patrons of Belles as Belinda Carr—bolted the shop door behind the last customer of the day. Not that the man in question had been a customer, more of a friendly, helpful and, in her opinion, extremely handsome fellow shopkeeper, but there was no way on earth that Nancy would ever agree with that description.

‘Who?’ She smiled mischievously.

‘You know very well who!’ The voice sounded exasperated.

‘Do I?’

‘James Redbourne!’

‘Oh, yes, of course.’ She allowed herself a small giggle. ‘Silly me.’

‘Well?’ Nancy demanded as she went through to the kitchen.

‘He didn’t want anything, actually, but you might want to brace yourself.’

‘I’m always braced, especially where he’s concerned.’

‘So I’ve noticed.’ Beatrix murmured, drawing her apron over her head and hooking it over a peg in the corner.