‘I don’t believe you ever officially withdrew your objections.’

‘Well, I’m doing so now.’ She gave him an arch look. ‘You haven’t even mentioned how I look this evening.’

‘Lovely, but I’m used to you now.’

‘What difference does that make?’

‘Quite a lot actually. When you love someone, you don’t really notice what they look like any more. You only see the essence of them. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world—you might actually be, come to think of it—and I still wouldn’t notice. To me, you’re just Henrietta.’

‘Thank you... I think.’

‘I did just say that I loved you.’


‘And you love me, too?’

‘Also true.’

‘Excellent. In that case...’ He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. ‘I ordered this for Christmas, but I thought you might like to wear it tonight.’

‘Is this why you went into the village?’ She opened the lid to reveal a small padlock-shaped locket complete with a tiny key. ‘Oh, Sebastian, it’s beautiful.’

‘It’s so you never doubt that I’m yours. My heart belongs to you now, Henrietta.’ He grinned her favourite lopsided grin. ‘I couldn’t have been happy giving up my freedom for anyone else.’

‘It’s the most wonderful present I’ve ever received.’ She sniffed as he lifted the locket and fastened it around her neck, his fingers lingering briefly. ‘Can I have the key?’

‘Of course.’

‘There...’ She opened it up and pressed a kiss to the inside before holding it out for him to do the same.

‘You want me to kiss it?’ He looked amused. ‘Aren’t you supposed to put a picture inside? Or a lock of hair?’

‘Maybe, but for now, I just want a kiss. Now hurry up before mine escapes.’

He pressed his lips to the metal. ‘Will that do?’

‘That’s perfect.’ She closed the lid and turned the key again. ‘Only it makes my present seem a little unimpressive.’

‘I’m sure I’ll love it, whatever it is.’

‘Well, it’s in a similar vein... Remember how I once offered to knit you a scarf?’

‘You’ve made me one?’ His grin seemed to take over his whole face. ‘Well, a handmade gift is even better. I’ll treasure it for ever.’

‘Just as long as you wear it.’

‘Every day. Even when I don’t go outside...’

‘Are the two of you coming?’ Lord Tobias poked his head back around the library door.

‘Imminently.’ Sebastian slid the key back into the box and inclined his head. ‘I just need to kiss my wife first.’

‘Again?’ Lord Tobias rolled his eyes. ‘The poor woman never gets a moment’s peace. Make it quick, then.’

‘Understood.’ He gave a mock salute and then cupped her face in his hands. ‘I’ll take a lot longer about kissing you later, I promise.’

‘Paying special attention to my ankles, I hope?’