Chapter Twenty-Six

‘How long until the curtain goes up?’ Henrietta sat in front of a makeshift stage in the library next to David. ‘I’m too excited to wait much longer.’

‘Patience.’ Her mother-in-law sat down on her brother’s other side. ‘Although I have to admit I’m quite excited myself. It’s all been so secretive.’

‘I thought you were involved in the preparations?’

‘Only in set design, I’m afraid. I interrupted rehearsals this morning and I was practically thrown out.’

‘Quite rightly, too.’ Lord Tobias peered out from between two makeshift curtains draped from a wooden frame. ‘However, you’ll be glad to know that it’s almost time. Lights!’ He gestured to a footman who dutifully blew out all the candles except for those close to the stage. ‘Where’s Sebastian?’

‘On his way.’ The Dowager Duchess sat down next, arranging her skirts regally around her. ‘He was late getting back from the village, but he says he only needs a few minutes to change his clothes.’

‘I still can’t believe this is all real.’ David lowered his voice to whisper in Henrietta’s ear. ‘The boys seem almost at home here.’

‘That’s because they’re a part of the family now. Just like you are.’

‘I’m starting to realise that, unlikely as it seems.’ He shook his head slightly. ‘I’m grateful, but I’ll be a lot more comfortable when we’ve moved into our new cottage.’

‘I understand.’ She squeezed his hand. ‘Are you certain about staying in Yorkshire?’

‘Yes.’ He nodded decisively. ‘Lord Tobias’s offered me a good job in his stables. Head groom. I’d be a fool not to take it. Never mind his offer of tutoring for the boys.’

‘I’ll miss them, but you know you can visit whenever you want. You’ll always have a home with us, too.’

‘Who has a home with us?’ Sebastian murmured in her ear a second before his lips found her cheek.

‘Oh.’ She gave a guilty start, then caught her breath at the sight of him dressed in pristine black and white evening clothes. He looked dazzlingly handsome, not to mention almost neat and tidy, for once. ‘David and the boys. Obviously I would have asked you first...’

‘No need.’ He waved a hand as he draped himself over the chair on her other side. ‘The more the merrier. I’ve found I rather like big families.’

‘What’s this?’ His mother swayed sideways. ‘Is there something you two want to tell me?’

‘Not yet, Mama, but we’re working on it.’

‘Sebastian!’ Henrietta dug her elbow into his ribs, eliciting a small chuckle from him and a placid smile from his mother.

‘Good. Because it turns out I enjoy being a grandmother. I only wish that Anna was here to share the fun.’

‘When is she coming home anyway?’

‘Not for a while. Samuel doesn’t want to leave his grandmother just yet. Understandably. Poor Georgiana isn’t quite as indomitable as she seems.’

‘Your attention, please!’ Lord Tobias’s head poked through the curtain again. ‘Allow me to present the Gardiner brothers’ production of Nelson versus the Polar Bear and Other Adventures!’

‘Oh, good.’ Mrs Fortini clapped her hands. ‘Now hush, everyone.’

It was, Henrietta thought, linking her arm through Sebastian’s as the curtains swept back to reveal several large, white-painted boxes obviously intended to represent icebergs, quite the most bizarre, unexpected and inventive dramatical performance she’d ever witnessed. At some point during rehearsals, Oliver the polar bear appeared to have stolen centre stage from Nelson, who was now relegated to a supporting role while a storm whipped up a blue piece of cloth, presumably representing the ocean, Peter the pirate sang a sea shanty, Napoleon, aka Lord Tobias, fell headlong into an icy crevice and, at one particularly surreal point, Michael turned into an octopus, waving eight woollen tentacles around his head before being finally vanquished by the aforementioned polar bear.

‘What do you think the moral is?’ Sebastian turned his head, pressing his lips into her hair.

‘I’m not sure there is one, but the octopus and polar bear appear to have reconciled. They’re embracing now.’ She smiled happily. ‘I do like a happy ending.’

‘So do I. And here comes our young pirate, too.’ Sebastian leapt to his feet, pulling her with him. ‘Bravo! Encore!’

‘Wonderful!’ Henrietta clapped enthusiastically. ‘A triumph!’

‘Do you really think so?’ Peter pulled his pirate’s eyepatch away from his face.