She lowered herself on to the stool in front of her dressing table, staring at the reflection of their bed in the mirror with a new sense of bleakness. She felt cold inside, as if her heart had just frozen. Sebastian was already under the covers, lying on his back with his eyes closed. That was different, too. Usually he sat up, waiting until she came to bed before curling up in a spoon shape beside her.

She pressed her eyes shut to stop the tears from seeping out. How could an evening that had brought so much joy end so badly? She’d fallen in love with her husband just at the moment he seemed to have changed his mind about her.

Chapter Twenty-Four

‘Will your brother be joining us?’

Sebastian threw his napkin aside, resisting the urge to glare at his mother as she smiled blithely across the breakfast table at his wife.

‘Not this morning.’ Henrietta shook her head apologetically. ‘He went up to the nursery first thing and...well, there was a great deal of excitement.’

‘I can imagine. I think I actually heard some of it. Not that I’m complaining—it was a lovely sound.’

‘They’re all breakfasting up there together, although David sends his thanks for the invitation. I’ll go up again shortly, but I thought I should give them some time alone.’


‘Is something the matter?’ Henrietta twisted her head, lifting an eyebrow at the sound Sebastian hadn’t intended to make quite so loudly.

‘With me?’ He put a particular stress on the word. ‘Nothing at all. I’m perfectly fine.’

‘Oh.’ A look of confusion, mingled with hurt, flashed across her face. ‘I thought the boys might like to show David around the gardens after breakfast.’

‘It’s a bit cold, isn’t it?’

‘We’ll wrap up.’ She paused. ‘Will you join us? We could take a walk down to the lake?’

‘No.’ He didn’t intend to be quite so brusque, only for some reason he couldn’t seem to help it. ‘I promised to take Mother into the village this morning.’

‘That can wait.’ His mother seemed determined to earn herself a glare. ‘This is much more important and it would be nice for you and David to get to know each other. You’re brothers-in-law now.’

‘Yes... Very well, then. I’ll be in the library when you’re ready.’

He pushed his chair back and marched out of the breakfast room at a brisk pace. It was the same pace with which he’d marched out of the bedroom that morning and the one he intended to keep using until he got his emotions under control. He was behaving badly, he knew, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. Just as he couldn’t help the seething resentment he was experiencing towards his new brother-in-law. Even towards Henrietta. Every time she mentioned her brother he felt as if she were plunging a dagger into his heart and then twisting it for good measure.

Scowling, he threw himself into a green leather chair by the fireplace and picked up a book, reading the same page at least half a dozen times without taking a single word in.

‘Mr Fortini?’ The butler’s voice sounded from the doorway in a tone he was starting to resent. ‘Mrs Fortini asked me to inform you that she’s ready.’

‘Thank you, Dennison.’

He sighed and marched back out through the hall, pulling on a coat and hat before walking out of the front door. Henrietta was already outside, standing next to her brother, though she took a step towards him as he approached, her expression one of trepidation.

‘Good morning.’ He gave David a terse nod and received an equally terse one back.

‘I’m so glad you’re coming with us.’ Henrietta looked relieved that he’d spoken first. ‘Although I don’t think we’ll have long before it rains.’

‘Father’s home!’ Michael bounced up to him, grinning so widely it looked as if his face might actually split in two. Obviously a forgiving type, Sebastian thought, stifling a rush of resentment. Only Peter looked as if he weren’t enjoying himself, standing off to one side with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. That was more like it.

‘So he is.’ He forced himself to sound cheerful. ‘You must be very pleased.’

‘Now we’re one big, happy family!’

‘Let’s get moving, then...’ Henrietta held out her hand when neither he nor David responded ‘...before we all freeze.’

‘So...’ David gave him a sidelong look as she walked ahead. ‘Peter tells me you’ve been teaching them about the navy. He says he wants to join when he’s old enough.’

‘It’s not a bad career for a young man.’ Sebastian set off at his earlier brisk march, vaguely irritated when David kept pace beside him. ‘Although he’s still young enough to change his mind.’