‘No.’ He was vaguely aware of his fingers tightening around the wood. ‘Not yet. I need to be sure he’s who he says he is first.’

‘Of course.’ Lord Tobias agreed, waiting at his side for what felt like an interminable period of time until the butler returned, leading a man with untidy blond hair and such an uncanny resemblance to Michael that it left not the tiniest shred of doubt about his identity.

‘Mr Gardiner.’ Lord Tobias spoke when Sebastian just stared.

‘Yes, sir.’ The other man darted a look between them, his expression somehow both defiant and apologetic at the same time. ‘I’m looking for my sister and boys. I was told they were here.’

‘They are.’ Sebastian found his voice at last, though it sounded strange even t

o him. Harder and confrontational, but then he was feeling remarkably, uncharacteristically, belligerent. Coming so soon after his mother’s gift and his uncle’s announcement, the unexpected sight of David Gardiner made him feel as if the ground beneath his feet had just shifted, as if he were standing on a deck and a giant wave had just hit the side of his ship. He had the horrible feeling that if he did the wrong thing now then he might topple overboard, as if the life he’d envisaged for himself just a few minutes ago might disappear into thin air. He’d never experienced sea sickness, but at that moment he felt distinctly nauseated.

‘Are they all right?’

‘Your sons are upstairs in bed, safe and sound.’

‘Thank goodness.’ The man’s mouth contorted before he let out a strangled sob and put his hands over his face.

‘Sit down.’ Lord Tobias pulled out a chair. ‘Port?’

‘No.’ He shook his head, recoiling as if he’d just been offered poison. ‘No, thank you. I’d like to see Henrietta.’

‘Not yet.’ Sebastian answered heavily. ‘Not until you explain yourself and what you’re doing here.’

‘I’d rather speak to her. She’s my sister.’

‘But under my protection.’

‘What does that mean? I’ve never met you before.’

Sebastian drew himself up, deriving a savage sense of satisfaction from the other man’s shocked expression. ‘I mean that your sister is my wife. We were married a few days ago in Gretna Green.’


‘Perhaps you could have a room prepared for Mr Gardiner?’ Lord Tobias gestured discreetly to the butler still standing in the doorway.

‘As you wish, sir.’

‘I looked for you.’ Sebastian narrowed his eyes accusingly. ‘One of your friends said that you’d boarded a ship for America.’

‘I did.’ David Gardiner stared heavily at him for a few seconds before continuing. ‘Although I did a lot of drinking first. Then I got all the way up the gangplank before I came to my senses. So I got off again.’

‘Then where the hell have you been since?’

‘I had no money left so I had to walk back to Bath.’ David pushed a hand through his hair. ‘I went to the biscuit shop and the woman there told me Henrietta had left with you and sent me to Redbourne’s store. She said you were friends with the owner and that he’d be able to get a message to you.’

‘And he sent you here instead?’

‘He paid my coach fare, yes.’

Sebastian scowled. Typical of James to do the right thing, sending David to be reconciled with his family. It was the right thing to do, but now he was aware of an unreasonable surge of resentment. How dared David come back and just walk into Henrietta’s life as if nothing had happened? As if she hadn’t spent the past few weeks working and worrying and struggling before finally moving on with her life? How dared he come back and shatter their plans for the future? He’d given up his freedom for those plans and now David’s arrival threatened to destroy everything.

All of which made him want to pick up the chair he was still clutching and smash it to pieces.

‘Perhaps it’s time to fetch my wife?’ he said instead, forcing his fists to uncurl as he glanced at Lord Tobias. ‘If you don’t mind?’

‘Of course not.’ Lord Tobias looked as if he were eager for an excuse to flee the room. ‘I’ll send her directly.’

‘Henrietta never mentioned you to me before.’ David looked up from the table, sounding as combative as Sebastian felt.