‘It’s artistic licence.’ His mother smiled serenely. ‘All great playwrights have to bend the truth a little.’

‘Of course.’ Henrietta nodded in agreement. ‘It sounds as though it’s going to be spectacular.’

‘I’m certain of it. They’ve worked very hard, haven’t you, boys? But now it’s time for you to go and clean up for dinner.’

‘Yes, Mrs Fortini.’ Michael looked puzzled. ‘Or should we call you Great-Aunt Fortini now?’

‘How about Aunt Elizabeth? If that’s all right with everyone?’

‘It is with me.’ Henrietta beamed at Sebastian. ‘I think it’s lovely.’

‘Aunt Elizabeth.’ Peter threw his brothers a superior look as they trooped out of the room. ‘I told you so.’

‘I’m so relieved that you’re back,’ his mother continued once they’d gone. ‘We expected you a couple of days ago. Was the weather bad?’

‘Not very, but—’

‘I caught a bit of a chill.’ Henrietta interrupted. ‘Not much of one, but I didn’t feel up to the journey home straight away, so we stayed in Gretna for a few days. I’m sorry if we caused you concern.’

‘Ah, well, I’m just glad you’re back safe and sound, especially now. The weather’s taken a turn for the worse over the past couple of days.’ His mother held on to his gaze for a few moments longer than necessary. ‘In any case, I’ll let you get cleaned up before dinner, too. We’ll eat a bit early since I’m sure you’re exhausted after your journey.’

‘A little. All that sitting and bumping around is surprisingly wearing. Give me a ship any day. Come on, wife.’ Sebastian stood and tugged on Henrietta’s hand, pulling her to her feet. ‘We’ll see you at dinner, Mama.’

He kept hold of her fingers as they climbed the stairs, not saying anything until they were inside their bedchamber—previously her bedchamber.

‘A bit of a chill?’ He spun around, catching her by the waist.

‘Yes.’ She laughed up at him. ‘Your mother would only scold if she knew the truth, and that’s my job from now on.’

‘Scolding me?’ He walked her backwards towards the closed door. ‘Is that what you intend to do?’

‘Among other things. Fortunately for you, I’m in a good mood at the moment.’

‘What a coincidence.’ He pressed his lips to the side of her neck, smiling as she tipped her head back against the wood, arching her neck to allow him greater access. ‘So am I.’

‘Sebastian...’ Her breath caught in her throat.

‘Mmm.’ He slid his hands down, pulling slowly on the fabric of her gown until it was bunched up around her hips.

‘It’s almost time for dinner.’

‘No, it’s time to get dressed for dinner. I believe that involves a bit of undressing first.’

‘Ye-es, but...’ She gasped as he pressed his tongue against the hollow at the base of her throat and then blew softly against it. ‘I suppose we are newlyweds...’

‘Exactly.’ He grinned. ‘Is that going to be your excuse for everything from now on?’

‘For a few months definitely. Shouldn’t we move to the bed?’

‘Not necessarily.’ He held her dress up with one hand, unbuttoning his trousers with the other while his mouth drifted back to capture hers. ‘Unless you want to?’

‘No, but how...?’

‘That...’ he pressed closer, sliding one hand behind her back ‘...is what we’re about to work out.’

Chapter Twenty-Three

‘So, at the risk of sounding like Michael, what are your plans?’ Lord Tobias leaned back in his chair at the dinner table, peering at Sebastian through a cloud of cigar smoke. ‘Your mother told me she’s giving you Belles as a wedding present.’