‘A little at first, but then I forgot about it.’

‘Good.’ He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight. ‘Although I still don’t think the doctor would have approved.’

‘The doctor isn’t a newlywed.’

‘True.’ He laughed. ‘And given the circumstances, I think he would have understood. You’re hard enough to resist at the best of times, but in a nightdress it’s well nigh impossible. I thought that the first night I met you.’

‘You did?’

‘Yes. I remember being particularly taken with your ankles.’

‘These ankles?’ She kicked her legs up in the air behind her.

‘The very same.’ He regarded them thoughtfully. Exhausted as he was, the sight was irresistible. ‘I haven’t given them nearly enough attention tonight. Here.’ He sat up, turning her over until she was lying on her back with her legs draped across his lap. ‘I hate to be neglectful.’

‘Sebastian...’ She giggled as he ran a hand gently across her calf.

‘Don’t tell me you’re ticklish?’

‘No, it’s just...’ She drew the bed sheet across her waist. ‘I’m naked.’

‘I noticed. So am I.’ He bent her knee and pressed kisses all the way down to her ankle. ‘You know, I’ve never been seduced by a woman before.’

Her mouth dropped open. ‘I did not seduce you!’

‘I beg to differ. I offered to go to the taproom and let you recover in peace.’

‘All I did was kiss you.’

‘There was no all I did about it. There are kisses and then there are kisses.’

‘And the way you’re kissing my ankle right now would be?’

‘Definitely the latter.’ He pressed his lips to each of her toes in turn before putting her leg down gently. ‘But you’re right. It’s too soon.’

‘I never said...’

‘But it is. I’ll just have to dream of your ankles. Now close your eyes and I’ll tuck you back in.’

‘Oh, all right.’ She snuggled against him as he lay down beside her again, hoisting the blankets up to cover them both. ‘I suppose I did seduce you a bit, but you were going to seduce me at some point, weren’t you?’

‘As soon as possible, yes.’

‘That’s all right then.’ She smiled and yawned. ‘I only sped things up a little bit.’

‘I hadn’t worked out all the details yet, but it was going to be very romantic.’

‘How nice.’

‘You would have enjoyed it.’

‘I’m sure. Did I spoil things, then?’


sp; ‘What do you think?’

She laughed and snuggled closer. ‘Sebastian?’