
‘Don’t be obtuse. What are you going to do about it?’

‘Oh, I don’t know.’ He lifted his eyes to the sky and whistled. ‘There’s no rush.’

‘Sebastian Fortini!’

‘I’m going to propose, obviously.’

‘Good, although if her brother doesn’t come back—’

‘He’s not going to.’

‘What?’ She put a hand over her mouth in surprise. ‘How do you know?’

‘Because of a letter I received yesterday.’ He glanced over his shoulder, making sure there were no small boys around to overhear them. ‘I asked James Redbourne to listen out for any news of Henrietta’s brother and he finally heard some. Apparently David Gardiner didn’t run away on his own. He went to Bristol with one of his friends, only when the friend sobered up he changed his mind about their plans and came home again. Her brother didn’t. He took a ship for America instead.’

‘So he’s really gone and left his sons?’

‘Yes. He knew that Henrietta would take care of them, probably better care of them, but, yes, he’s gone.’

‘Have you told her?’

‘Not yet.’ He shook his head. ‘She needs a holiday and I don’t want to spoil it. I thought maybe I could tell her after Christmas.’

‘Absolutely not.’ His mother lifted her chin. ‘She’s not a child and she won’t thank you for keeping it from her. She has more of a right to know than you do.’

‘Yes, but...’

‘You know you have to.’

Sebastian gritted his teeth. ‘I suppose so. I just don’t want her getting hurt.’

‘I think that’s unavoidable at this point.’ His mother quirked an eyebrow. ‘But I hope you understand what this means. Henrietta will be their mother from now on, so if you marry her...’

‘Then I’ll be their father.’ He nodded. ‘It had occurred to me.’

‘It’s a lot to take on.’

‘I know, but I want to.’

His mother reached a hand to his cheek. ‘You really have grown up.’

‘I suppose so. A little sooner than I’d hoped, but I don’t seem to be able to do anything about it.’ He grinned. ‘You know, this will make you a grandmother.’

The caress turned into a light pat. ‘I think I might enjoy that.’

‘You’ll be wonderful at it. You were a wonderful mother, after all.’

‘Come on, let’s go inside.’ His mother gave a suspicious-sounding sniff. ‘You need to speak to Henrietta and then comfort her. The sooner that’s done, the sooner you can propose.’

* * *

‘Don’t tell me...’ Sebastian leaned against the doorframe of the nursery, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. ‘You’re a snowman?’

‘A polar bear!’ Oliver peered up at him through two holes in a white sheet.

‘Ah.’ He clicked his fingers. ‘Of course, silly me. Might I enquire why?’