‘And we’re allowed to call him Uncle Toby!’ Michael blinked. ‘Only I just forgot to.’

‘I see.’ She glanced uncertainly at Sebastian, who only lifted his shoulders.

‘We decided it would be easier, didn’t we, young man?’ His uncle’s smile grew even wider. ‘Lord Tobias sounds much too formal.’

‘I’ve asked Mrs Lancaster to prepare the nursery,’ Elizabeth commented, speaking to her brother, though her gaze was focused on Sebastian, Henrietta noticed.

‘The nursery?’ His uncle chuckled. ‘You know, my architect insisted on calling it that, but I never thought I’d have a use for it. The rooms will need a good airing.’

‘I’m sure Mrs Lancaster is seeing to it now.’

‘In the meantime...’ His uncle caught his sister’s eye and took a tactful step backwards. ‘Perhaps I could take the boys into the library and have a marble tournament? I’ll send for some refreshments, too.’

‘What a good idea.’ The Dowager Duchess reached for her walking stick. ‘I think I’ll join you.’

‘Maybe I should, too...’ Henrietta started out of her seat.

‘No. You stay.’ Sebastian turned sharply towards her. ‘If you don’t mind,’ he added more gently.

‘If that’s what you want...’ She sat down again, looking between him and his mother anxiously.

‘Henrietta’s just been telling me about Belles.’ His mother spoke first. ‘I’m glad that the shop’s doing so well, although I never doubted she’d do a good job.’

‘Yes. Has she told you her idea about selling tea?’

Henrietta shook her head quickly. ‘It’s still just an idea.’

‘But it sounds like a very interesting one.’ Elizabeth smiled. ‘I’m sure Anna would love to discuss it when she comes back from Retford, but I’m afraid that may not be for a while. The Earl’s grandfather died last week and they don’t want to leave his grandmother. I doubt we’ll be seeing her before the new year.’

‘Oh, how sad.’ Henrietta felt genuinely sorrowful. ‘He was such a kind man. He used to talk to me about bees.’

‘I remember. Anna was very fond of him.’ Elizabeth turned to her son as he sat down in the chair just vacated by the Dowager Duchess. ‘And how was your ride with Tobias?’

‘Fine... Enlightening... Good.’

‘Good,’ his mother repeated, leaning forward to place a hand on his knee. ‘I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to see you again. When I got your letter from Bath, I thought that my heart would burst. I’ve been so worried.’

‘It’s good to see you again, too.’ His slightly perplexed expression turned to one of affection.

‘But tell me, what happened? Why didn’t we hear from you for so long?’

‘It’s a long story, one for another time. The main thing is that I’m here now.’

‘Well, I can’t argue with that. And will you stay?’ Mrs Fortini looked between the two of them. ‘Oh, do say you will, at least until after Christmas.’

‘We’ll need to talk about it.’

Sebastian caught Henrietta’s eye and she bit her lip. Christmas was still several weeks away. Nancy had told her to take as long as she needed, promising to send word if there was any sign of David or any problems, and she knew that Sebastian would insist on accompanying her and the boys if they left any sooner. And how could she do that when Mrs Fortini was looking at her with large, distinctly moist eyes? But Sebastian was giving her a way out, she realised, giving her the power to say yes or no, as if her desires and comfort mattered more than his. In which case...how could she say no?

‘I’d be delighted to stay.’

* * *

Until after Christmas... Henrietta sat on the edge of a large four-poster bed, looking around a bedroom larger than any she’d slept in in her life. And it was hers—until after Christmas!

She’d agreed to stay. Of course she’d agreed to stay. It would have felt cruel to Mrs Fortini not to, but what was she supposed to do for the next month? Especially now that the boys had been appointed a pair of housemaids to tend to their every need as if they were little dukes themselves! She’d insisted on reading them a bedtime story that evening, but she had no doubt that they were still wide awake up in the nursery, wondering what on earth had happened to their lives. She was wondering the same thing. It was as if her whole existence had been turned upside down from the moment she’d rammed her kitchen door into Sebastian’s face.

Speaking of doors... She heard a light tap on hers and hurried across the room to open it.